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I wish I could make it go away

It feels like a trap door

Suffocating me against the floor

But all it wants to do is stay

Stay to make butterflies form in my stomach

Occupying my mind all day long

Making my heart ache

Its grip on me is strong

I don't want this feeling at all

I didn't ask for this

Why do you insist on making me fall

Reigning over my heart like an iron fist

Don't you see what you're doing to me

This could ruin our friendship

I say that with a little bit of glee

Maybe I want more than just that relationship

My mind is spinning

My heart is racing

With thoughts of you and me

But that will never be

I know your feelings towards her

And my heart shatters thinking about it

Everything is becoming a blur

My heart might need a first aid kit

The thought makes me sick

Wanting to shield myself from embarrassment in a corner

And hide my feelings from you forever

If only I could be that slick

You'll eventually find out

That's when it will be official

My heart will break without a doubt

And I will lie to myself saying that love was superficial 

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