Chapter 20

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I woke up to everyone around me sleeping. I looked at the clock on the wall and it said 12pm. I heard whimpering and looked down at the pup against my stomach. It was a white wolf like me. It also looked like Matthew had in my dream. I  looked at Matthew who was sleeping on the floor next to me. He hadn't moved since last night. The pup squirmed and I looked at it. I hadn't named it so I nudged it over to see if it was a boy or girl. It's a girl. I nudged Matthew, he gently slapped my nose. I nudged him again. This time he woke up. He jumped up,"Sil your awake what are we gonna name the pup I was gonna ask you but you fell asleep." All of a sudden he started shaking. He kept shaking until he phased into the white wolf I saw in my dream. What happened Sil I'm like you now? I'm not sure what happened Matthew apparently your a werewolf too. We can talk like this? Yes Matthew. What are we going to name the pup it's a girl Alex said it was when you passed out. Juliet oh by the way think about being human to phase back and you don't phase with clothes so. Ok He phased back to a human and put his clothes back on. "Juliet," he said as he looked at the squirming pup. He said,"You shouldn't phase back until she can eat food." I know. He looked at me,"You can do that when I'm human." I nodded. Hey Angel my pup Juliet was born last night. Aww I missed it? Yes but I don't think you really wanted to be there instead of with your boyfriend. How did you know about Luke? I saw him pick you up and I'm not stupid Angel. Oh well ok I'll run over there and see her. Oh and Matthew is a white wolf like me. Cool I don't know if Luke is a wolf or not. I looked at Matthew who phased into a wolf and laid down next to me. I'm going back to sleep love you Sil. I love you too Matthew. I fall asleep with Matthew after Juliet falls asleep.
I wake up in the clearing again, this time Matthew is there and a smaller female wolf next to me. Will is there and he looks at us and says,"I never loved you Silver I loved your Daughter Juliet." The smaller wolf walks over to him and the dream fades.
I wake up and look around everyone is asleep. I go back to sleep.

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