It'll Never Die

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Scarlett pushed the door to her old apartment open slowly. She knew it had been a while since she was there and didn't expect any of her things to still be there. Scarlett stopped when she saw that everything remained the way she had left it. Nothing had been moved or touched, the only thing that had changed was the amount of dust that sat in parts of the room.

Shutting the door she moved to the couch and traced the worn leather with her finger tips, recounting all of the memories she had shared with Zak there. It was like she was just waiting for him to come back from work and tell her all about craxy evidence he had found or where he was going next. She let out a sigh staring at the closed door, waiting for it to fly open, to see Zak standing there with his arms outstretched expecting her to jump into them and hug him. But her head was only creating fairy tales, making her think that it was possible but she knew that Zak had probably moved on.

The only thing that bothered her was the fact that nobody had cleared out her apartment, when she decided to stop by she mentally prepared herself to see all of her belongings gone. But yet there they all were, waiting for her to put use to them once again.

Scarlett placed her hands on either side of her body and pushed herself up from the couch making her way slowly around the apartment. She walked around running her fingers across all of her things and the peeling paint on the walls. She stopped when she reached a picture she and Zak had taken a month before the incident. Gently she lifted the frame and blew the dust from it. Scarlett smiled at image of Zak kissing her cheek. She was beaming happiness in the picture although she wasn't laughing. Her eyes just gave off a radiating aurora of happiness.

She cradled the frame in her arms admiring the love they both shared. Her peace was quickly disturbed when she heard the front door open. Horror over came her body as she ran down the hallway and hid in the bathroom. Scarlett's body began to shake furiously in fear that it was him. In her head she knew that it couldn't be true because everyone thought she was dead but it was the cuts of fear that he left in her heart, that made her refuse to believe it. She pressed herself against the wall as she heard the jingling of keys.

Scarlett forced herself from the wall and pushed herself to look around the door frame down the hall to see who was standing there. She dropped the picture frame when her eyes focused at the familiar man that was standing by the door fumbling with his keys. He looked up at the sound of glass breaking against the floor. Scarlett instantly became nervous and gripped the wall pulling herself back.

Scarlett knew that she would have to face him sooner or later, so she let go of the wall and pushed her self into the open hallway.

They both locked eyes trying to determine if it was real or if it was only a dream, Scarlett decided that she needed to say something to him but she didn't know what.

"Zak?" Scarlett questioned.

Zak dropped his keys at the ring of her voice through his ears.

Taking a step forward Zak spoke up

"Is that really you?" he questioned feeling unsure.

Scarlett knew at that moment that he had never moved on from her. She could tell by the way his eyes searched hers and by the way he spoke so softly to her, trying not to hurt her with the wrong set of words.

Scarlett nodded feeling guilty for hiding from Zak for so long, for making him suffer.

Scarlett couldn't contain herself any longer as she found her legs pulling her towards Zak. Before she knew it both of her arms were tightly around his neck and his arms gripped firmly around her torso. His familiar warm touch around her, made her entire body explode in goose bumps and her soft grip around his neck made his skin burn.

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