Torture time

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This is from my other story so ignore the whole story part.

I tied up the girl, she would most definitely get in the way. Iyo was waiting for me, he was getting impatient i could tell. So i loosely tied her up to get it over with, i doubt she would try anything. I sit her next to her parents and help Iyo lift the boy. We lay him on the table and he hands me a hammer. I grinned and happily accepted it.

Iyo started smashing each on of his finger on his other hand. I grabbed some nails from the cabinet. I set one in place on his thumb nail but he moved it so i lost my place. He was covered in tears and sobbing heavily. I grabbed his arm and pinned it down. I lifted the hammer high and slammed it down on his wrist. He tried to yell out but he lost his voice. Iyo was finished with his other hand so i handed him the nails.

We slammed the nails down at the same time. Iyo's nail went down meanwhile mine slipped and ripped his nail off. I was troubled by it so i let Iyo deal with the nails. I got to his head with a scalpel and got an idea. He kept moving his head around so first i secured his forehead and neck.

"The more you move the worse this will be." I say and grab his nose and lift it up. He was sobbing so snot was pouring out his nose and he was snorting to try and breathe threw his nose. It was gross. Iyo laughed when he looked at me messing with his nose.

"He looks good like this right?" I ask and do a cut right across the top of his columella (The part between your nostrils) and the bottom. I peeled the skin off slowly and it came off in two pieces. I was having too much i didn't notice that the mom had her eyes closed.

"Iyoo~" I say and he turns to me and sees where im looking and faces that direction. He smiles his wicked smile and walks over to her. I can barely hear him whisper/

"If you cant keep your eyes open ill have to sew them open." That was enough for her eyes to burst open and Iyo to shove his finger in one of her eyes hard. She screamed high pitched and so did the girl. Blood was pouring out of her eye and you could tell her eye had been squished. He pulled his finger out and chunks of eye and blood pour down her face.

He walked back to me and the look on his said he knows what i had planned on doing. He went to grab a needle and thread as i lifted his nose up like a pig again. Which left lots of open flesh showing. Iyo sewed the nose in that place as i thought of what to do with the exposed meat. I snapped my finger and Iyo tilted his head.

"Piercing could distract!" I yell out. Iyo nods in agreement and leaves the room. Its not like we have nose piercings lying around. He came back with thick wire and wire cutters. He cuts the wire and hands it to me. I stick the needle threw the exposed meat and curved it around to form a loop. We did this about four times. We could do it so many times since with the cut off skin you can lift the nose much higher.

I looked at the boys face and saw that he was loosing consciousness. That means we need to finish things off quickly. Since we already gave him blood thinner he could be dying of many things by now. Iyo and i look at eachother before i see Iyo gets an idea. Ill let him take the finally. He leaves the room once more and comes back with... A chainsaw? Pretty old school i like it.

He plugs it in and pulls the cord a few times to turn it on. Once it starts it appears the boy finds his voice again.

"Noo! Please no dont! Im sorry im so so so sorry dont do iit!!" He yells out somehow crying again. Too late boy. I figured out that during this that he actually was part of a rival gang. Guess he was a newbie. Iyo walks to the table and starts lowering it at his midsection right below his ribs and before his pelvis. He starts reaching flesh and its tearing it off and launching it across the room and on me. I dont really mind it.

The boy is screaming loudly but the chainsaw is louder. The dad apparently threw up and the girl has her eyes closed. Ill let it pass this time. After Iyo lowers it again the boy stops yelling and guts start lauching at the door. Finally i hear Iyo reach bone. He saws threw it carefully and the boys body shakes and gurgles.

I hear the saw hit the table and Iyo lifts it up and turns it off. He sets it down and we both admire his work. It was a damn clean cut. Nice. 

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