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They've left,

they've gone

Why do I care?

They don't.

And yet I feel,

As if the arms,

Of death are finally embracing me...

They've vanished,

Will not return,

And I miss them,

With my entire being.

Nothing on this earth,

Could stop this despair from overtaking me...

The wind,

It wails,

The howl of rain hails,

And ice breaks through the clouds,

Turning serenity,

Into chaos...



Why can't it go away?

They've left,

By choice

So why can't everything else leave too?


Does life,

Go on,

When all I want is death?


My euphoria,

If I could finally depart...

But no,

I am weak,

And will not attempt to drown,

For I do not think it possible,

To fall after you've hit the ground...

They've gone,

And left me,

Will not ever return,

I've lost my pride and dignity,

Will not ever return,


Come back!

My cries cannot be heard,

For I do not think it possible,

To fall after you've hit the turf...


'They' can be anything or anyone.

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