Cas X Reader F A T E

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"Cas... come on. This song. You haaaave to have heard this one."

"No... Dean. I most likely wouldn't listen to a song about a "highway" to "Hell" anyway. That's not even physically possible."

Dean glared at Cas. "Gosh we really need to catch you up. Speaking of things we need... pie!"

"Well, Sam isn't here to get that for you-"

"That's why you're gonna get for me." Dean walked over to Castiel and placed a couple of bills in his hand.

"But the last time I went out to buy something... it didn't go so well." Castiel said with confused expression on his face.

"Yeah, but we all learn from our mistakes." He raised his hand out to the side. "And all your getting is pie. In and out simple." He grinned. "...Just don't forget protection." He said then chuckled at his little joke.

"Don't worry I'll have my my Angel Blade." Cas said as he patted his trench coat on the outside of where he hides his blade.

Dean rolled his eyes at Cas not understanding his humor. "This is why I can't tell you jokes, hurry up and get my pie." He shooed him out of the room.

"Okay? Off to the store then." Cas said and started his way to the store.


Cas walked around the store looking up and down the shelves for any thing similar to baked goods. He was looking at a shelf that had grape jelly on it before a girl walked to to him.

"Hi there!" The girl said, attempting to get Castiels attention.

Castiel didn't seem to notice the girl was talking to him, so he continued on his search to find the pies.

The girl raised on her eyebrows. "Hmm. Excuse me." She said to get his attention again by tapping his shoulder.

Castiel surprised a the sudden touch on his shoulder, quickly turned around ready to grab his angel blade.

"Woah there." She said as she took a step backwards. As she took her step she tripped over her other foot. But before she could fall on the ground Castiel grabbed on to her arm, hold her safely so she was not to fall.

"Th-thanks." She said. Her eyes lead to his hand where he was still holding on to her.

"No problem." He said. He noticed he was still holding onto her arm. He let go and turned, starting to walk away to look at another isle.

"Wait!" She called.

"Yes?" He turned back around, the first thing he looks at are her deep e/c eyes. So... mysterious to him.

The girl walked up to him. "I didn't tap your shoulder for me to almost fall." She smiled at him.

"Well of course not." He gave her a confused look.

"What are you looking for? Maybe I could help." She suggested.

"...I-I'm just looking for the pie." He said. His eyes were glued to hers.

"I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure they're not where the jellies are." She giggle.

Cas put his hands on the back of his neck to scratch it, even though he wasn't itching, but indeed a little embarrassed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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