Tommo The Tease (Part 2)

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After a long 2 weeks, Harry&Louis are finally coming home. Our OTP couldn't be happier.

*Louis' POV*

I boarded the plane with my small bag, excited and also feeling a bit tired for this trip. I haven't seen my boy in 2 weeks because Satan Cowell has been throwing PR shit at not only me, but my baby too! (No not Freddie, my actual baby. Harry.) I've had enough of his bullshit. Can't he see that it's 2016 and our fans are very much supportive of Hazza and I? He needs to wake up and smell the gay. Our fans are not (and never have been) daft. They know better and can see through Satan's shit. They know that Harry and I are together and are deeply in love. They even think we're married for fucks sake! We're not there quite yet, but soon. Actually, them celebrating our supposed marriage last year is what gave me the idea to propose to Harry this year. I wasn't even thinking of proposing to him yet, but seeing all the fan's proof of us being married showed just how ready both of us are for marriage. So I took him to a private dinner on the beach and while we were walking along the beach, I got down on one knee and popped the question. He of course said yes and we celebrated with some hot beach sex.

Anyway, Harry and I both agreed to meet at Harry's private LA house for our reunion of being apart for 2 weeks. So that's where I'm off too. Harry's already there, has been for awhile now with the Hendall bullshit going on right now. Damn pictures being leaked, ugh. I shake my head to get rid of the image of Kendall in my Harry's lap and focus on the fact that I'll be reuniting with my fiancé in 3 hours. I just wish he'd pick me up from the airport instead of being home. Oh well. I place my ear buds in and let my fiancé's voice wash over me and lull me to sleep. (HarryandLouis made a playlist of just them singing songs for the other to listen to while separated. It includes Harry singing If I Could Fly, Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart, and I Love You. And Louis singing Home. And both of them dueting They Don't Know About Us. Oh my God. What if this is actually a thing?! *faints*)

*3 hours later*

"Mr. Tomlinson? Time to wake up sir. We've landed at LAX." I hear the piolet Dave say.

"Dave man, how many times do I have to tell you. Call me Louis. Mr. Tomlinson makes me feel old and I don't like it." I tell him then open my eyes.

Dave laughs and says "Sorry Louis. It's a habit."

"Well get rid of it."

"Will do."

"How many fans are around?" I ask then get up.

"Not many, just 10." Dave replys.

"Alright. Thanks." I say and stretch.

"You're welcome."

Dave leaves to get his shit to return to his husband and 2 year old daughter.

I look up and see my bag has been placed overhead instead of on the ground next to my seat where I left it.

I glare at it.

'Dammit Alberto. I had it on the ground for a reason!' I mutter to myself.

I sigh and try reaching for it but fail. Damn my height.

I go on my tippy toes and try and reach but fail again.

I grumble and try jumping for it.

Still nothing. Ugh.

I curse Alberto and climb on the chair and grab for it and finally have it in my grasp.

I climb down then swing the bag over my shoulder and head for the exit.

As soon as the door opens, screams erupt and pap cameras go off.

Alberto yips at people to move, especially the paps, and gently keeps the fans at bay.

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