The School of Secrets and the Friendship Project

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Hi guys. This is a bit of a more serious story, still romance in it but it's going to be a bit of mystery and suspense as well :) Please give me honest feedback. I just want to know how I can improve. Thank you a billion :D

What's the worst thing that could ever happen to you?

Take that and multiply it by a million.

My heart hammered in horror as I stared, shell shocked, at my parents. This couldn't be happening to me.

"You want me to go to... That school? You're making me go to... Academia Occultum?"

My mum was wringing her hands, crying- the complete opposite of my dad, who was sitting stiffly on the other side of the room, nodding grimly.

"Why?" I swallowed hard, determined not to break down. I wasn't a person who'd collapse into tears about anything but anyone who heard about Academia Occultum... The school of secrets- it made even the most bravehearted cringe in fear, the strongest would turn away with disgust at the name.

"We didn't decide it, but your school did. They think you have trust issues... Friendship issues." My dear mum sobbed, tears running down her face as she curled up.

I couldn't speak then, the sight of my mum weeping so feebly made me fall silent and look at my dad. He buried his face in his hands like always, when he was frustrated.

"Academia Occultum helps kids to get along... Maybe not in the best possible way, but... What can we do, Daniella?" Dad whispered, and I saw he was close to tears as well.

Somewhere inside me, the feeling, the need to prove myself strong stirred.

I was scared beyond anything I'd ever done in my life but I had to do this to protect my family, the people I loved, and to show everyone that I wasn't going to back down. I had to do it.

"I'll go, I'll be fine." I told my mother, wiping the tears away from her bright blue eyes. It was a lie. No one who came out of the Occultum was ever fine- whether the damage was inside or out. But I'd do whatever it took for my mum to feel better, not to feel worried for me.

Before I could walk upstairs, shoulders trembling, I added,

"And I promise... I promise that I'll try with everything I can to come back alive."


As I stood on the train platform headed to Academia Occultum I noticed a boy about my age wearing the same clothes as I was, except he wore pants.

Respectable black blazer, white blouse and pleated skirt.

The Occultum uniform.

My mum was beside me, crying again, and the most I could do was hold her shoulders and tell her over and over I would see her again, I'd come back alive, I'd be fine, but I wasn't sure.

I honestly wasn't.

The boy glanced over at me, saw I was wearing the uniform, saw my wretched, crying mum, and he nodded. Like he understood.

As I looked at him, I felt somewhat of a slap in the face.

I knew this boy, I'd seen him before.

Where had I seen him before?

I racked through my thoughts, barely aware he was looking back at me now, and when I finally found the right memory my blood iced over.

This guy, standing a few metres away from me, was the guy who had knocked my little brother Kyle, Kyle Faith out of the way of the speeding car.

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