Chapter 1

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"Ugh!" Alex exclaimed, deposited half a dozen shopping bags on the floor and flopped onto the hotel bed. "If I hear one more Christmas carol before December twenty fourth, I'm gonna scream."

"They always start playing carols around Thanksgiving." Shae replied. She had thrown her shoes on the floor and was massaging her feet.

"Thanksgiving?" Alex frowned. "Oh yeah, Thanksgiving in November. Canadian, remember?" She pointed to herself. "We have Thanksgiving in October. I'm already sick of Turkey leftovers by this time."

"Oh right, do they have running water up there?"

"Ha!" Alex replied and threw a pillow at Shae's head. "Don't tell me it's time to go already, I'm too tired."

"It is. They guys will be finishing up their sound check about now. If we leave now, we'll have time to eat before work."

Alex grabbed her shopping bags and headed for the door. "I hope the shirt I bought for Justin fits him. It would look really good on him."

"Yeah, for the thousand of screaming fans or you?" Shae asked sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm wardrobe, you're hair and make up. It's our jobs, nothing more."

"Whatever you wanna believe Alex." Shae smirked.

Pressing the elevator button for the main floor, Shae turned to Alex. "So how ya doin'?"

"I'm catching on quick. The past two weeks have certainly been a learning experience." Alex answered.

"Yeah, I remember my first month on the job. It was hectic. I'm glad you are here though. The last chick we had in wardrobe was a real bitch."

"Thanks", Alex grinned, "but you don't know me very well yet. I might be a bitch too."

"Hmph! Doubt it." The elevator door opened and the girls exited.


"So! What are we going to do with me tonight?" Justin grinned and plopped down in the chair between Shae and a mirror

"I don't know......." She put her finger to her lips and looked pensive. "What do you think Alex?" She yelled. "Let's shave it off!"

Justin let out a yelp as his hands flew to his curls. Alex walked out from behind a partition and laughed. She was polishing a pair of shoes for Lance. "Nah, how 'bout a mowhawk?"

"Fabulous idea, lime green or neon pink?"

"I've always been partial to a nice shade of aubergine myself." Alex quipped.

Both Justin and Shae turned to look at Alex, "Auber-what?" they said in unison.

"Purple!" She shouted and disappeared behind the partition again. "Hurry up Shae, Justin still changed yet."

Shae turned back to the mirror and looked at Justin's reflection. "Didn't take her long to start giving orders."

"Nope, but at least she's nice about it!"

"Yeah, I really like her." Shae's voice trailed off as she squeezed a blob of hair gel into her hand and then worked it into Justin's hair. "She's fits in quite nicely."


After the show, Shae told everyone that the movie would be in her room that night. She usually fell asleep in the middle and if she started in her room then she wouldn't have to move. Alex's hotel room was connected to Shae's via double doors in the middle. More often than not they had gotten connected rooms. Neither one minded. They had only known each other for two weeks but were fast becoming friends. Most of the time, they left the doors wide open between their rooms.

"What are we watching tonight?" Joey asked, jumping on the bed.

"Sleeping with the enemy, with Julia Roberts." Shae explained.

"Is this a chick flick?" JC groaned.

"Oh come on! I sat through Starship Troopers how many times? I'm only going to make you watch this once."

Half an hour into the movie, Lance was softly snoring at the foot of the bed. JC was resting his head on Shae's shoulder. Alex was propped up against the wall next to Shae on one bed. Chris was starred out on the other bed, all by himself. Joey was lying on his stomach on the floor. Justin was sitting in a chair next to Alex. The first abuse scene started in the movie. Alex shifted uncomfortably. She glanced at him, he smiled shyly. She abruptly stood up. "I'm too tired to watch anymore. Good night." She carefully stepped around Joey and disappeared into her room, closing the door behind her.

Shae looked accusingly at Justin. "What did you do? She ran out of here like a scared rabbit!"

Justin shrugged, just as bewildered. "I smiled at her."

"Well that would do it." Chris said from the other bed.

The door opened again. Alex walked back in with all four pillows from the beds in her room. "Joey, do you need a pillow?" She asked.

"Hey that would be great." He answered.

Alex dropped all four pillows beside him.

"Don't you need something to sleep on?"

"Nope, don't like pillows." She closed the door behind her again.

JC sat up and looked around at the others in the room. "Did I miss something?"

"I think we all did." Shae said, looking equally confused.

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