Chapter 12

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Alex and Shae arrived at the stadium early for once. Alex had many things to do before the guys could go on stage. She gave herself some extra time too. She hoped maybe she could steel a few moments alone with Justin. She hadn't seen him since that morning when she left his room as he lay sleeping. They had been at interviews and photo shoots all day. She wanted to make sure that he didn't get the wrong impression by her leaving his room before he awoke. That morning she had heard Chris knocking on the door and left Justin's room before Chris decided to come in.

Justin and Lance met them at the door. Alex had to elbow Shae in the ribs three times so she would stop smirking before they got close enough for Lance to see her expression. She did not make eye contact with Justin, too afraid that one look in his eyes would reveal everything. Lance spoke first.

"Alex, there is a man here asking for you. Do you know anything about it?" Justin saw Alex's shoulders immediately tense up. Her expression changed to worry and perhaps even fear.

"Who?" Alex spoke so quietly Justin and Shae could not hear her.

"He didn't say his name, just that he needs to talk to you."

Alex grew quiet and looked down at the floor. "What does he look like?" She asked Lance meekly.

"Oh, he's about forty, I guess, long face, thin, wire frame glasses ..."

Alex pushed past him through the entrance. Shae and Justin exchanged worried looks.

"It better not be Greg." Lance voiced the concern on each of their minds. They followed her into the stadium.

Alex found the man leaning up against a wall at the end of the corridor.

"Robert. How are you?" Alex extended her hand to him.

"Alex." The man stood up and shook hands with her.

"I wish I could say it's nice to see you but I'm pretty sure this isn't a social call."

"Yes, you're right. Is there somewhere we can talk?"

"Over here." Alex shuffled him to a table in the corner of the wardrobe room.

Alex had been talking to the stranger in the corner for twenty minutes. She had a very pained look on her face. Justin could not take his eyes off the couple. He jumped when Shae put her hand on his shoulder. From where they were sitting, they could only hear short pieces of the conversation. Alex's hands were animating what she was saying.

"I don't want any part of it." She said flatly, but loud enough for them to hear.

"Take some time to think and then call me." The man pressed a thick envelope into her hand and walked away.

Alex threw up her hands in frustration and re-joined the group. She was visibly shaken. Shae gave her a bear hug and asked if she was all right. "That was my lawyer, Robert. Greg's dead."

"I'm sorry." Lance whispered.

"That makes one of us." Alex replied.

"How did he die?"

"You know, I didn't even think to ask."

"Hey guys, come on, we're waiting!" Chris yelled from the hallway.

"Duty calls." Shae stood up and dragged Lance out of the room.

"There's more, isn't there?", Justin put his arms around her.

"Yes, I have to go back to get some things from the house and take care of some other business."

"Can't someone else do that for you?"

"No, Robert says I need to sign papers, go through documents, blah blah blah. My name is still on the deed to the house so legally it's mine and I don't want it. I also have to be present for the reading of the will. I don't want any of it."

"I don't think you should go back there alone. I'll go with you."

"Justin, you have other obligations that you shouldn't miss. I'll be fine. I'm used to being alone, remember?"

"Well you better get used to not being alone as long as I'm around. I'll cancel a few interviews and postpone a couple of photo shoots. No big deal."

Alex looked annoyed. "Justin, I can take care of myself. You have more important things to worry about!"

"You are the most important thing I worry about and I won't take no for an answer."

"Okay." Alex conceded. "We'll shuffle our schedules tonight and I'll make travel arrangements tomorrow. You'd better go get ready."

"Yeah", Justin hugged her. "Alex, relax. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He kissed her cheek before he hurried to get ready.

Alex closed her eyes. What perfect timing! She was just finding happiness and Greg had managed to ruin for her, yet again, in spite of the fact that he was dead. A trip to her past would hardly be a romantic getaway for her and Justin. She sighed. She knew that she had strong feelings for Justin. He was on her mind every waking moment, and even when she slept. Was she in love with him? She couldn't say. Couldn't or wouldn't? Wouldn't. The last person she said that to had broken more than just her heart.


Shae found Alex after the guys went on stage for their last set. She could tell Alex had been crying and tried to comfort her.

"Want to talk about it?" She asked.

"Not really." Alex mumbled and wiped her eyes with a tissue.

"It's okay to cry. He was part of your life for a long time and you did love him." Shae consoled.

Alex snorted. "You think I'm crying over Greg? No way. I would never shed a tear for him. I hope he rots in hell."

"Alex, if you don't care if he's dead, then why ARE you crying?"

"That's why. Because I don't care. Another human being is dead and I don't care. In fact, I'm kinda glad. That scares me, you know?" Alex turned to face Shae. "Does that make me a monster? What if I never care about anything?"

"Shhh, don't think like that." Shae handed her another tissue. "You CAN care. You DO know how. You care about Justin. And I think you care about me."

Alex gave her a weak smile. "Yeah, you 're all right." Shae shoved her arm playfully.

"All right? Darlin', I am a super model and you are just jealous cuz you vant to be like me." Shae said in her best french accent.

Alex laughed. "Whatever! Do you think your ego will fit on the bus? I'm going to fall asleep before we get back to the hotel. I think I'll steal Justin's bunk until we get there."

"Let's go."

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