~Chat #2~

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Ok! This is for the girls!! Enjoy!!

Nepeta Leijon: Hai, guys!! :3

Terezi Pyrope: Hey, catnip

Nepeta Leijon: I LOVE CATNIP!!! X)

Feferi Peixes: Hello!! How are you girls?

Nepeta Leijon: I'm great! What about you, Fef?? :3

Feferi Peixes: I'm just fine. What about you, Terezi?

Terezi Pyrope: I'm good, Karkat is watching his RomCom's right now though and won't pay attention to me.
:( it's so angering! But I'm in my room eating Cherry Pie. I think that's what it's called, Strider gave me some he said that it's red and I would surely like it.

Nepeta Leijon: oooooo!! I'm at Equius's hive!! He's exercising right now and I'm watching!!

Feferi Peixes: I just left Sol's hive and now I'm in my hive supposedly cleaning my respite block, haha!

Vriska Serket: Hey, girls! >:)

Terezi Pyrope: Hellooooo, moirail!

Nepeta Leijon: Hey Vriska!! What are you doing??

Vriska Serket: What do you think? Watching Nicholas Cage films!! ~<3 HES so beautiful!! I think Tav is jealous though.. >:) could use that to my advantage tonight..~ hehehehehe...

Feferi Peixes: TO MUCH INFO!! Ahh!!

Vriska Serket: HAHAHAHAHA!!

Nepeta Leijon: OOOOOOO!!!!!!

Aradia Megido: Hello, lady's. Beautiful day, is it not?

Nepeta Leijon: OOOO!! ARADIA X SOLLUX!!!

Aradia Megido: Oh, thank you, Nepeta. -///_///-

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