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That's all I ever do anymore is run. Except now. Now, I'm walking. I'm walking back to the farm. My grandfather is named Hershel. We have a love/hate relationship. He blames for me for my mom's death. My mom died when I was 11. I am now 16. I live with my Aunt Maggie, but ever since the world went to shit, I've been living with the family.

I should introduce myself. I'm Mackenzie Davis. Mack for short. I have brown hair like my mother, and blue eyes like my father. I bet you're wondering where he is right now. Right now he is at Georgia State Correctionals Facility. You know how I said my mom died? Yea he murdered her and got 5 years. It's whatever because I don't plan on seeing him in this new world. This new world I'm talking about is a post-apocalyptic world. We're no longer in our world, we're in theres. The earth belongs to the dead now and there's no stopping it. It's been going on for about 2 1/2 years.

As I was walking through the woods, I heard a slight scream. I turned around and found a 12 year old running from 2 walkers.

'Hey. Hey. You okay?' She shook her head no. 'Here I'll get rid of them.' I
took out my knife and stabbed them both in the head.

'Thank you!' She yelped and hugge me. Another person came out of the woods.
I held up my gun. He did the same.

'Who the hell are you?' He asked.

'That's what I should be asking you.'

'Rick. Rick Grimes.'

'Mackenzie Davis. Call me Mack.'

'Well, Mack. What're you doing with her?' Was he blind? Did he not see the walkers on the ground.

'I saved her life.' I told him.

'Do you have a group?' Then we heard a shot, a single shot. I started running towards the noise, Rick and the little girl following. I saw a boy my age on the ground. Shot. There was another man too, but who knows. I looked up and saw Otis.

'Otis?! What the fuck?'

'Language. And I was shooting the deer.'

'Deer my ass.' I mumbled. I hesrd a chuckle coming from the unknown man.

'Rick follow me. My grandpa is a doctor he will help him.'

'Okay.' He picked him up and we started running.

'Otis! Get your ass up here!' I yelled back. I heard footsteps behind us and looked back. Otis was following. After 10 minutes I saw the farm house. I sprinted faster and faster. Rick was following.

'Maggie!' I shouted. The door opened and Grandpa, Maggie and Patricia came out.

'P-please help my boy.' Rick sobbed.

'Alright.' Grandpa said. 'Bring em in. Patricia, get clean sheets on the bed, Maggie get my kit, and you,' He pointed at me. 'Stay outside.' He spat. I rolled my eyes.

'M-my wife.' Rick said softly. 'She-She doesn't know.'

'Rick where is she?' I asked him.

'On the highway.'

'You sure?'

'Yes!' He yelled.

'Okay. I'll go get her. Stay here.' I ran out to the gate and saddled up a horse. I got on and made my to the highway.

I made it to the highway.

'Lori? Is there a Lori here?' My accent taking over.

'Yes. I am.' A brown haired women came out.

'Rick sent me. You're son's been shot, he's at our farm.' I informed her and she got on the horse.

'Lori, how do you know this is real?' The unknown man said, from when Otis shot the boy.

'Are you fucking kidding me? You were you son of a bitch. If ya'll wanna join us, theres a house about 4 miles off the road. There's a mailbox with the word Greene on it. Go another 2 miles and you're there.' I said to him and we were off.

We arrived at the farm and she hopped off.

'You're welcome.' I muttered. I put the horse back, then walked back to the house. I walked inside and turned the corner to go to my room. I set my gun, knife, and pocket knife down the nightstand. I took off my coat, hung in the closet, threw my combat boots in there with it. I collapsed down on my bed and just closed my eyes.

A 16 year old shouldn't be doing this.

-2 hours later-

'Open up!' Someone shouted. I opened my eyes and got up. I opened my door, to find Hershal.


'I need you. Come with me.' I followed him to another room where the boy was on the table. 'He needs blood. Rick's given enough. You're the only other person who has his blood type. We need it.'

'Alrighty. Hook me up.' I agreed. Patricia put a needle into my arm and blood starting coming out.

'So what happened while I was out?' I asked.

'We needed an epidural and something to put him under.' Patricia explained.

'Oh.' Was all I said.

'We'll call when we need more blood.' I decided to go get a book and go out
to the porch. I grabbed 'To Kill A Mockingbird.' from under my pillow and went outside. I sat on the railings with my back against a wooden pole. I opened the book, while the moon was light enough still.

'There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County. But it was a time of vague optimism for some of the people: Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to fear but fear itself.'

'Whatcha readin little duck?' Maggie said as she came out. I held up my book. 'Ah. The classic. What chapter?'

'8.' I responded. 'What can I help you with?'

'Dad needs you.'

'Yipee.' I said with fake enthusiasm.

'Why do you dislike him so much?'

'Because. He blames me for mom's death. Just because I was there, doesn't mean he needs to get all pissy with me about it.' I left my book on the rails and hopped down. I walked back into the room.

'Heard you needed more.' I sat down in the chair.

This was gonna be a long night.

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