Meet The Clans

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  All four Clans have a leader that is blessed with the Clan's element. For example, if you were becoming leader of FireClan, you would get fire powers. Only leaders possess this power
  Cats are apprenticed at 6 moons. They don't become warriors at a specific time. They will become warriors when their mentors think they are ready.
  When the cats become leaders, they also receive 9 lives, but when they lose a life they do not become young again, but sicknesses and wounds will be healed (if they are bad enough chances are they will not be healed).
  Medicine cats interpret signs through dreams or their element. FireClan receives signs through fire and possibly the Sun. WaterClan, water, EarthClan, and earthy thing, like plants, dirt, trees, and AirClan, air.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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