hi fren

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Hiya there, fren
So I kinda noticed I haven't took the time to properly introduce myself ;U; so why not do it now??
My name is Louis
I'm a fifteen year old sophomore from Beverley Massachusetts.

I was born on the 18th of June.
I'm beyond proud to have the same birth date as Joshua Dun ( ・ึω・ึ)

My interest are music, art, anime, anything involving YouTube .

I'm a pansexual trans boy ヽ('ー`)ノ let the hate begin.

I don't like boybands.
Anything with one direction or five second of summer ,count me out.
They just...
Suck ;-;
Fuck me ,right?
I don't associate myself with their fans so ヽ('▽`)/ fite me.

My favorite bands are My Chemical Romance and Twenty One Pilots .
A proud member of the skeleton clique and the MCRmy (〃・ิ-・ิ)ゞ★

My favorite youtuber is Onision.
Don't like that either?
Suck my dick.
he's fucking fantastic.

I might be harsh but I say shit like it is and honestly couldn't give less fucks about what you think.
Your facts are shit compared to my opinion.
I'm not sorry.

Have any questions?
Feel free to ask!

Have any hate comments?
Keep them coming ヽ('▽`)/
I'll sleep at night.

K bye

-Lou |-/

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