Chapter 3 - "I don't know, it's just something about ya... "

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Harry Summers asked me out on a date.

Well, I'm sure it was a date, considering he was flirtatiously smiling at me the whole time and he specifically asked for us to go get milkshakes at Sonic "alone". But then he also asked if Nancy could come too, because he was bringing a friend of his there and maybe we could all hang out. I'm guessing it's a double date, of some sorts? I dunno. All I know is that I'm so eager to get to ninth period so I can tell Nancy about our new dates!

I skipped around the halls after eighth period with way too much enthusiasm, that I'm sure people were talking about me and giving dirty looks. Hah, but I don't care. I'm going on a date!

"Why are you so giddy?" asked Johnny as he started walking beside me on my way to ninth period. But this time I didn't care, I'm actually glad to be talking to Johnny.

"Wanna ride home today?" I ask, ignoring his question.

"Why- I mean yes, but why?" He asks

"Well, I need to go on a double date and as annoying as you may be, no offense-- I need to speak with your sister about my date. This is my second date, aka my first official date."

"First of all, how rude... and second of all, what makes you think I'd let you give me a ride home?"

"Because It's almost impossible for you to turn down a ride home in my fresh, new, shiny Chevy Camaro..."

"Ugh fine. I hate you," he says while smiling and shaking his head. I smile back and we walk into our ninth period band room, where he plays the trumpet and I play the clarinet.

Nancy finishes playing the end of "Hot Crossed Buns" on her clarinet and waves me over. I take the seat next to her and grin.

"Um..What's up? You're scaring me." She asks.

"Oh, right." I laugh and wave that creepy grin away, "Harry Summers asked me out."

"That's great!"

"Yup, and get this, he has a cute friend who he's bringing along and asked if you can join us!"

"So like a double date?"

"Like a double date." I nod, confirming her question. She smiles and plays "Singing in the Rain" on the clarinet and I laugh while joining her.

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