I Will Never Forget You

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The bags were packed up. Everything was gone from its rightful place. The room she once lived in was a ghost town. Tears rolled down her face as she looked in the room one last time. She stood in the doorway, along with her best friend, who was going to college soon. He didn't want to show it, but she knew that he was sad she was leaving. It was a sad day for the two, but it was time to grow up.

"I should...I should say goodbye to your parents," she said, setting her bag down as she went downstairs.

He watched her go, and when he was sure that he was out of sight, slipped into her room. It lost it's magic, but it would still stand after she left. He decided to explore the whole place before they both went their separate ways. He went up the stairs and relived the moments that they shared together. The many times they watched movies, the funny dancing moments they had together. Even the bean chair they sat in when they were down was still there. It all came back to him. He looked around, and everywhere his eyes went, the memories followed. Four years can pass so quickly.

The balcony. He walked towards it, trying his best not to cry. So many intense moments shared here. It seemed so new. So fresh. And yet, it was years ago since they first talked about their futures, about their fears.

About themselves.

"Marco?" A voice said. He quickly turned around.

"S-Star! I'm sorry I came up here! It's just—"

"I understand, Marco. I'm gonna miss this place, too," Star said, leaning next to him on the balcony.

"Yeah," Marco sighed. They watched the sunset together, never looking at each other, afraid to cry.

A portal opened up beneath them. Her parents were here to pick her up.

"Welp, I guess that's my ride," she said with a sad smile. She bit her lip and started to walk away. She turned around and gave him one last look.

"See you 'round, safe kid," she said, slowly walking away from his sight. A tear shed from his face. His friend was actually going to be gone.

"Hope so, Estrella," he softly said. He turned back around and watched as she walked closer to her parents. She stopped and put her bags down, and she raised a finger to her mother's face, running back inside as fast as possible. His eyes lit up.

Did she forget something?

He felt a jolt of a person hugging against his body. He turned his head around to see Star hugging his waist, tears flowing unto his red hoodie. He turned his body around and returned the hug, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"I....I'll n-never forget y-you," she coughed out. Marco lifted her face up so he could see her beautiful face.

"Like I ever will," he said.

Her lips crashed against his, giving him a surprised look. He kissed back, this time more powerful and meaningful. She ended the passionate kiss with a smile.

"Friendship kiss," Star said, her hearts lighting up. He chuckled.

"Your hearts. They're lighting up again."

"I don't care anymore," she slowly backed away and kept smiling. "Te amo, Marco."

"Te amo, Estrella," Marco said, smiling back.

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