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I bend my head low and play with the hem of my sweater as I mutter, "I have the ability to envision nonexistence."

In all honesty, I actually enjoy hearing those words come out of my mouth. To others I used to tell this to, they thought, because of using this choice of words, that I have a really profound vocabulary. But let's get the facts straight: Despite that, I now very much dislike telling people of my unusual prowess.

When I reveal deep dark secrets after wanting to for so long, it feels as though these super heavy weights have been lifted off my shoulders. Sometimes they're hard to get out, the secrets, but once they are, I feel this wave of relief. Like now.


That was probably the most amusing thing I've ever heard. Why would someone be so terrified about such a rare yet amazing talent?! And she looked so scared when she told me.

No, wait, this cannot be the reason for her being so introverted, can it?

"Amy, you are not serious." My lips curl into probably the goofiest grin to ever show on this face. "Why would you be so scared of sharing that with people?"

She shakes her head too harshly as she bites her lower lip. I'm scared I've said something wrong again. 

"No, no, no. You don't understand, Tyler, not at all." Amy starts pacing around the room, mumbling statements like "I was right," and "I shouldn't have told him," and "He'll be the death of me." That last part she repeats much louder before stopping dead in her tracks. Under different circumstances, I would've actually asked her to say "He'll be the death of me" over and over again until I get tired of hearing it, which I don't think I ever will.

"Wait a minute." I stride towards her and hold her shoulders. "Just clear something up for me, will you?" She nods slowly, looking in my direction now, but once again, not right at me. "Why are you so terrified of something so harmless?"

Her expression changed completely with one simple question. "S-stop it! Why a-are you asking me so m-many questions?" her voice cracks. Amy is shaking in my arms, now staring down at her bare palms. "What do you want from me? Are you going to use me too?! Is that what this is all about? The meeting, you moving directly across my house out of all houses in the neighborhood? And your niceness? Is this all some sort of elaborated plan for you to take advantage of me?! Well I won't be easily persuaded anymore, because I have already learned my lesson!"

And there goes perhaps my only chance of ever trying to help her. This is not at all how I imagined today to play out.


I storm out of the room and slam the door shut as I exit.

I should have known better. No one has ever been this nice to me since... not since then.

What a stupid question: "Why are you so terrified of something so harmless?" Harmless?! You probably don't even have any idea as to what harmless means!

Why did I even give in? It's not like he gained anything from me admitting that to him,right?

His footsteps are echoing behind me, the sound of his shoes against the wooden floor growing louder, so I hasten my pace. Tyler is calling out to me but I tune him out, not wanting to listen to whatever he has to tell me. It's probably just another halfhearted apology I have heard much too often, just like from those other people. You know, the ones who wanted to get me to answer their almost always similar questions.


"Amy, wait!" I grab her hand but she doesn't look back. She tries to wriggle her hand out of my grasp but I don't allow her to do such just yet. "What did I say wrong?"Her body goes stiff and her hands twitch. She turns her head slightly to catch a quick glimpse of me. "You won't understand, even if I tell you. Just like everyone else still doesn't. This thing I'm dealing with is not harmless, Tyler." Amy takes a deep breath before continuing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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