pink lips (0.8)

13 1 2

mikey just left. its midnight. well its not the first time he went home late. anyways, he called me beautiful. me beautiful? nah. i opened the door for him wearing his flannel and my hair up like a hurricane and he called me beautiful. when he said it, it made me believe, that maybe i could be ya know beautiful, tiny chance i could. i thank him for that. back to the story, so me and dickhead watched hp again, the 8 movies, i keep telling him to read the book but he always scoff and say "i dont do books hun". it pisses me off, literature is cool dude. i was half asleep when he left, i walked him out my door, like i always do, then call his name when he left, as usual, then chicken out, again. but this time it was different. he ran up and kissed, soft, short and slow. it was a five second bliss. i fluttered my eyes open to see him running towards his car and driving. i swear i couldnt stop smiling that night.

- calypso x

sorry for the hiatus guuuys!1!1!!1 my phone was broken but it's fine now. this chapter was crappy lmau

sshaa x

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