Chapter one

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- two years later-

Allison's P.O.V

"I love you." I say pecking Sams lips "I love you." He said kissing me longer. I smiled pulling away. "I'm going to miss you so much." I pout he chuckled. "You could have joined us." He said before kissing me once more. I instantly kissed back before rolling my eyes.

"I know but, this is your family holiday thing you always do go have fun babe. I'll be fine, I'll be right here waiting for you." I smile he kissed me again. "Happy two years and one month babygirl." I gave him a cheesy smile. "Happy 25 months" I say he smiled before squeezing me in a tight hug.

"Tell everyone I said hey." "Okay" He said "I love you. Be careful." He smiled before connecting our lips "I will baby.. I got to go now, but I will call you." He said I nodded walking with him to the door. I watched him get into his car he waved goodbye and drove away.

I sighed before shutting the door. I walked upstairs entering my room. I was headed to my closet grabbing clothes to shower.

I finished doing my hair unplugging the straightener. The doorbell rang I huffed heading downstairs.

I pulled open the door. My breathing stopped and everything else dissapeared. Jack stood before me. With Rosy in his arms.. Rosy was Cassidy's baby she already a year old soon to be two years old. "Hi.." he said "hi.. um, come in." I say opening the door wider.

He looked good. Really good, I haven't seen him in two years. I just never went back to any type of media that had to do with him. When Johnson had him over me and Sam were always out or something that we never saw each other.

"Are you alone?" He asked stepping in setting her down. I nodd closing the door. "Yeah, I don't know where anyone is." I say he nodded "its been a long time that I saw you." "Yeah" I breathed. "Allison." He said I looked up at him. Locking eyes with him, my heart aching. I haven't met eyes with him in two years..

Sorrow filled them, "you still look at me the same." He said I looked away quickly. "Are you in love?" He questioned "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him "you don't look at him the same." He said "ha, I could be more in love with him more than I was with you." I try to laugh it off.

"No, a guy knows. I know you and I know the love we shared was the love I won't give Madison or anyone just like your love you had for me, you won't love Sam or anyone that way." He stated "yeah, because you cheated on me." I sassed. "Regardless. We were most in love with each other."

"Are you happy with Madison?" I ask he nodded "We're engaged.. she's pregnant with twins." He said my heart shattered "oh.." he began laughing "I'm kidding. But if I could be honest. I miss you." What? "Why I'd you cheated on me?" He sighed "if I could literally go back to even being with her the first time we got together, I would. I could be fine and some days I cry. What a bitch of me. Yeah I know. But man, I miss you so much. Madison and I are barely even getting along. Everything bothers her and we pick up fights with one another like crazy. We never fought, we were so happy.." I cleared my throat.

I felt a lump forming, "you messed up Jack.." I say my voice shaking and low. "Why are you crying?" He asked "just because I got with Sam doesn't mean I've completely forgot about you. Hell his blonde hair reminds me of yours. I see Johnson and hope he would bring you along with him. Or you'd come around when I'm home but you don't. I rushed things with Sam and I didn't give myself a chance to heal or anything but I can't leave him. I don't regret being with him, he's made me so happy on the past two years. I shouldn't have rushed into anything but I love him."

"Are you in love?" He asked again. I sniffed, "I dont know.." I sigh "I think I am then I think of-" "me? You think of me?" He asked I rolled my eyes "yeah.. and then I suddenly don't know. Jack I hate you. You don't deserve me, you cheated numerous amount of times but somehow my heart races more for you." I cry.

He stood up from where he sat, sitting beside me.

"I'm so sorry for what I have done." I starred at him just to see if sincerity was there, and it was.

His eyes darted to my lips then back at me. Suddenly our lips were connected with each others, they molded so perfectly against one another.. I missed him so much.

What am I doing? I pulled away immediately, "you need to go." I say he nodded in agreement before he stood.

"I'm sorry about that.. I just wanted to see if you would kiss me back and.. you did, the same way you always did."

"Well should just go back to never seeing one another." I say his small smile dropped.

"What?" I nodded "don't come by when I'm around. I was completely happy before you came and confused me. Just don't come around when I'm home with Sam."

"No Allison. I won't listen to you or do whatever the hell you want me to do. I will be coming around because Rosy is my niece and I want to part of her life as much as I can. You live with my best friend. I didn't confuse you. You were already confused but seeing me only made you realize how confused you really are." He said

"I hate you." "You love me and we know that you do. I love you Allison always have and I might always. Happy Holidays." He said before leaving me to my thoughts of what if's.

I picked up Rosy to put her to nap walking up the stairs. I wiped off my now ruined make up changing into sweats and one of Sams T-shirts I placed the baby monitor beside me just in case Rosy woke but she's a solid sleeper.

I crawled into our giant bed before I began to cry again. This was why I never wanted to interact with Jack. I am so lost in who I love and who I'm in love with.


This really sucked but I unintentionally deleted the last chapter I had so I had to replace it with this. I'm changing the whole story and plot (:

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