Two twins who had been separated at birth meet for the first time

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I was walking into the school and as I turn I see a girl who looked exactly like me. I've seen her in photos in my mothers room. Thinking about it I walked away going over to see my friends.

At lunch time I walked around to the corner where me and my boyfriend hang out only to find her there kissing him. I was outraged and just stood there clenching my fists I ran and tackled her to the ground starting to beat her up. My boyfriend just stoof there in shock as he witnessed what just happened. He pulled me away from my double and held me away. I looked at her and struggled against my boyfriends grip trying to get free but remained unsuccessful. My double stood up ans looked at me before walking over to me slowly and placing a hand on my cheek.

"....sister? Is that you?..." she asked. I immediatley stopped struggling remembering of a tale my father told me when I was younger of how my twin got went missing one night.i never remembered her though. "'re my twin arent you?..." I said disbelief flooding my words as I almost collapsed then and there as she hugged my tightly

(Its very cheesy I know xD I hate cheesy stories but I coukdnt think of anything else. I have a challenge for you though... Can you make up something more cheesy than that? Tell me in the comments)

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