Back to school

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My mind was whirling, we had a connection, she told me she liked me, me? The rest of the weekend went by in a blur. And it was finally Monday morning, I had a science lesson today. That meant one hour  next to Lilly. What would we talk about? Would it be like any other science lesson where we just sat there? Would it be awkward? I felt nauseous at the thought of our relationship being screwed up after all of this. I decided it would be best to stick in my headphones and get on with day as it comes.

I was five minutes late to school this morning and I had science first period. Would she wonder where I was? I caught my breathe and walked into science, I apologised to the teacher for my tardiness and took my seat next to Lilly. She was busy scribbling down notes in her book and did not notice when I came in. I put my bag on the floor, sat on the chair and pulled out my textbooks. At that point, she looked up at me, her big brown eyes looked into mine and the whole world stood still. She smiled and said "you're here! I was worried you wouldn't come"
I returned the smile and said "of course I'm here, I wouldn't leave you". Her cheeks reddened, she let out a small giggle and returned to her books.

"Okay class, you now have the rest of the lesson to finish the last minute stuff for your presentations, rehearse it and you will be presenting them tomorrow" The teacher informed the entire class.

I turned to her and said "so" and she replied back with "so". I could help but stare at her. I did not find any of it awkward, it was magical. Like everyone in the world was gone and it was just us. We discussed our presentation for the next ten minutes, we were more less done, just finishing touches. But the remainder of the lesson we zoned out the world and talked for what felt like hours.
"Okay, pack up guys and you can go" the teacher stopped us.
As the class rustled around to pick up their bags, Lilly said "can we talk? Like after school or something?"

I looked at her feeling panicked. "Of course, do you want to come round mine?"
"Sounds good. I'm going to stop over at home and I'll meet you there?"
"Alright. See you then"
"Bye". And she walked towards the door, glanced around the half empty room, paused, turned her head and gave a little wave with a huge grin. Seeing that smile, calmed me down and I got the rest of my things together, and left for my next class.

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