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Yuuko POV

I'm really scared to school after what happened in the roof. Ayumu was angry to me and she would'n even listen to what happen so I said to my mom that I don't want to school but " what you don't want to school?!" My mom shouted to me " y-yes...mom..

" I said " yuuko in the exam you had bad score and you didn't wanna come to school you're really such worse kid you know that!!" My screamed to me

" but I'm really don't want to school" I said " you dare speak to your mom like that!!?" " b-but..I.."

Before I could finish my word my mom slapped "M-Mo-Mom....." I said with tear begin to fall " you bothered kids you should just die !!!! Go to school now!!! And if you don't give me good score you can't eat!! You hear me stupid daughter !!!" My mom said with angry

" y-yes..mom.." I said as if I began to stand and go to school. After I leaving the house in the middle of road I kneel my tear fell out "why.....why mother like this???" I said.


I walked to class and say good morning to everyone "Ohayo minna !" I said after I said that water fell from above at the group of class laughed at me

"hahaha.....serve you right bitch!!" Ayumu said to me "A-ayumu why are you doing this ?!!" I said " why??... You took everything from me you asshole!!!" She replied

" no ayumu you wrong!!" I said with grabbed ayumu hand " hey stay away from my friend you bitch!!" Rena said as she slapped away my hand

" Rena ...why..?!!" I asked "why you said you hurt ayumu my best friend!!" Rena replied " but....." Before I could finish my word there is bunch of girls whispering about me and then there is female voice say to me

" just cut it off already yuuko we knows everything " "eehh...Minami...why ?!! " I said to Minami, minami is one of my bestfriend

" why!!? because You lied is really annoyed me ayumu told us everything about you!!" She said

" but what happenned it's not like that you must believe we friends right?? You said you will stand to me whenever I had problem right?!!" I said

" huh..that's why you always being fooled by the other people and as you know we will never became friends you hear me!!!" She shouted

" you heard everything right no one want to be friends with you so just die already bitch!!" Ayumu said to me as everyone laughed to me.


" I will came home late you better studied hard you stupid daughter !!" From mom"

That's was note my mom left in the room after I eat dinner I go to my room after I go to my room I kneel down and begin to cry.

" Why!!!!?...why??! Why!!? why!!? Why?!! Why everyone do this to me!! No one believe me !!! And my mom why she don't understand my feelings why?!!"

I screamed with tears came out from my cheek " why?!!..." I said " Minami said she will be here to me when I had problem but what she even never thought me as her friends !!" I said crying.

After I'm cried for few hours I finally stop and fall slept and in my dream I hope this day just nightmare.

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