chapter 8

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"They fell for it!" Carface laughed as it was just him and Red. "When we get that horn, we can open any safe or bank vault in the world!" he then laughed even harder after saying that.

"SILENCE!" Red snapped at him.

This caused Carface to become silent and where Cherry didn't seem to move from her spot.

"I didn't recruit you for such entry level wickedness," Red came between the two, but looked to Carface in particular. "You both have so much to learn..."

"Is it hot in here?" Cherry panted.

"You better listen, so then, you don't forget." Carface told her.

"I don't like keeping things from Drell..." Cherry told Red as he was melting away from an old dog disguise and coming into his true form. "He's gonna find out eventual--HOLY MOTHER OF BACON, WHAT IS THAT?!"

"This is Red's true form." Carface told him.

Cherry's eyes lolled back into her skull and she fell back once she saw Red become a demonic looking cat. "Are you the Devil?" she whispered.

"You are correct." Red smiled evilly.

"Oh, my..." Cherry's voice quaked. "I-I-I'm starting to regret this..."

"I'm afraid you have no choice now..." Red told her. "You've done very well so far... Doesn't it feel so good to be bad?"

Cherry shrugged. "I-I guess..." She then felt a song coming on. "IIIII should go..." she grinned nervously and headed for the door.

"Oh, no, you don't." Carface said, stopping her.

"I have to leave!" Cherry begged.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that..." Red said as Cherry was brought right back.

And where she could have sworn she heard music.

"Aaand here we go..." Cherry said as Red started to sing to her and Carface.

"Yep." Carface said.

And so it began. Cherry knew Red must've been pure evil if he could even scare Carface, the dog who held an orphan girl hostage and threatened her if she didn't do what he wanted or asked of her, even denying letting her go outside.

"Now, I know you've been malicious, spiteful, and trifile vicious, It's no secret that you cheated and you lied." Red sang.

Cherry stepped back with Carface as Red cornered them both against the doors.

"And you've done some double dealing, Scheming, swindling and stealing," Red continued. "You're an amateur, but Heaven knows you've tried."

"I answered your ad, didn't I?" Carface replied as he took out a paper. "'Money, power, stature, call 1-800-BRIMSTONE'."

"Good boy, and soon your efforts will be rewarded and so will yours, my dear." Red said as he came out of a mirror, taking them with him as he went back inside it.

Cherry winced slightly.

"You'll develop so much faster, Now you're working with a master," Red returned to singing. "Who will help you cultivate your darker side~" He changed from the old dog that he was to a tall red cat with claws included.

Cherry's face turned white as a sheet.

"You'll discovered wicked ways you've never known before!" Red drew out a blade like for shaving. "And you'll find that you're really rotten to the core!"

Some skeletons began to include themselves into the song. Cherry felt creeped out as Red continued.

"It feels so good to be bad," Red sang to his 'victims'. "So delicious to be a despicable cad, It's just so thrilling and so fulfilling, To give somebody the worst time they've ever had."

Cherry Fetches Gabriel's HornOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant