Chapter 4

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Scarlett's POV

During the car ride I try not to make any eye contact with Bruce I don't know why but I feel really uncomfortable sitting with him it's so weird I just feel like I need to jump out of the car especially when my face turned red when he was putting for me the seatbelt  i don't know what to do then he starts staring at me and I did too I don't know why but I couldn't stop looking at him. Then I scream

"Bruce the road"


"Look in front of you. "Then he changes the car's direction back to its location  and I am about to throw up

"Are you okay". He asks

"I don't think so. "But then I throw up in my mouth( why God why) I say to myself. Finally we arrive to school and I directly find Stephanie who's waiting for me

"What just happened". She asks

"Well he knows"

"What? He knows that you're a ..."



"Well turns out that he is also a..."


"Yes really"

" what kind"


"Like us but how your dad is the Alfa so you should know him"

"Well there are two packs of white ours and his well his father is the Alfa of his pack"

"No "


"Oh my God you're so lucky"

"Lucky??? How's that"

"Well first you found your mate second he's our kind so you're lucky"

"Yeh I guess you're right I am lucky"

"Okay so what do you have now"

"Geology you"

"Same lets go. "After class went by I went to my other class which is physics and I find at the back Bruce who's saving me a seat really

"Hey Scarlett come sit here". He says

"Okay. "I say a little bit timid, as the class goes by all the other students kept starring at us I mean is there anything wrong is there something on my face??? So I send him a note saying

Why are they all starring at us

Because you're sitting with me


They think we're dating

Wait whaaaaat

Yeh so wanna go out with me to watch a movie and stuff

So this is your idea of the best way to ask a girl out

Yep first time

Wait first weren't you dating Sarah the popular/bitch

No she invented this so she would become more popular

But you used to hold hands good thing I never sow you kissing

Welllll we may have kissed once or twice I told you to be popular you need to do stuff

Ohhh so yes

Yes what??

I'll go out with you tonight


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