Chapter 10 (Safe)

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Eric came out slowly from the closet, seething. I held out my hand to him, wanting nothing more than to be safe in his arms. "M, I wanted so bad to hurt him...I knew he was a dick but to touch you like that..." "Please, let's not talk about that," I whisper, leaning on him the moment he sat down," I just want to seat here and not think about him anymore." "M, his a monster. How have you not lost your mind?" I let out a soft sigh, looking up at him. "I did...once in middle school," I say softly," thought...I could make it all go away." He stiffened beside me, looking hard down at me, his blue eyes shimmering as he waited for me to speak. "M, you didn't try to..." He asks not finishing the question, afraid of the answer. "It was before I joined football. Before I started making good grades. I was so sad all the time, with you and my mom gone, I felt so alone. Damian was stuck trying to please our father that he hardly had time for me either. I thought...who was going to miss me? I had no friends, no one loved me...who would care?" He put his hand over mine, bringing it to his lips, kissing the back of my hand softly. His lips felt so soft on my skin. "M, what did you do?" "Did you see how scared Damian got...when he realized that they've been leaving a bottle of painkillers with me?" I ask looking out the window, bringing our intertwined hands to my chest, taking a deep breath," but I wasn't even thinking about that. I shouldn't have even brought it up. I could never hurt Damian like that again. He was the one who found me passed out on the bathroom floor. I...promised him that I would fight against these dark emotions, that I wouldn't try something like that again." "Good because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, M, not again," Eric says kissing the side of my hair. "You won't... I like being with you, Eric...I don't feel alone anymore," I say putting my hand on his cheek. He leaned his forehead on mine. Now most people say these moments make heart pounding sensations and nervousness but really I was calmer and happier than I ever was in my life. "M, Dad left...Eric can go home now..." Damian says knocking on the door. I blinked surprised. Wow, my brother was way too smart. Eric smirked, getting up. "I guess I'll go...but if you need anything I'm just a shout away," he says softly taking my hands, helping me get into my bed more comfortable. I was getting so sleepy. Crying was so emotionally draining. "Bye, Eric...I'll see you tomorrow," I say softly. He kissed my forehead before going to the door. "We need to talk," I heard Damian say but then the door closed and I couldn't hear anything else. As curious as I was, I was way too tired to go snooping. How weird was it that all I needed to relax was a goodnight kiss from my best friend?

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