Tempt Me, Tease Me.

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The man groaned to himself, attempting to keep his eyes away from the men dancing on the stage. He didn't want to be there. Never in a million years would he ever have thought to enter "The Temptation Lounge," but there he was, grumbling quietly as he waited for his friend, Jimmy Sullivan, also known as The Reverend, to finish bartending at the club. Jimmy had asked Matt, the unhappy patron, to come to the club and pick him up. His car had been in the shop, and Johnny, his friend who he had ridden with, was busy dancing at the moment, and wouldn't be done until late; so, Matt, being the nice guy he was, had of course offered to pick Jimmy up. Now he was regretting it.

Matt wasn't gay. He had a girlfriend. Well, he used to. She had been cheating on him and they split up. But Matt still wasn't into guys, so he found it extremely awkward being at the lounge. The dancers weren't wearing anything aside from a tight pair of underwear, some even sporting a thong. Miraculously, their junk hadn't slipped out of the garments, Matt though with a laugh. Jimmy had tried to get Matt to start dancing once, but Matt immediately said no. He was attractive enough, though.

Standing at 6'1", he was very well built, little to no fat on his muscular body. He had gorgeous hazel eyes and cute dimples that appeared when he smiled that killer smile. Similar to a few of the dancers, he thought with a grimace, he had tattoos that spilled over his arms and torso. He was just as desirable as any of the dancers on the stage. Well, almost any of them. There was one that, to Matt's somewhat displeasure, caught his attention. The one that everyone cheered over. The one that was the center of attention. The tattooed, muscular, tan god on the main stage. Matt couldn't help but feel enthralled by the dancer, by the way he moved, the way he danced on the pole like it was part of him. Something struck Matt. Envy? Desire? He didn't know. All he knew was, if he didn't look away, he would end up staring. Jimmy heard Matt groan and looked over at him, finding the man hunched a bit and pouting. Jimmy just laughed as he continued to clean the drinking glasses.

"The one you're staring at? That'd be Synyster Gates, the pride and joy of the lounge." Jimmy said calmly, a smirk on his face. Matt's head shot up and he glared at Jimmy.

"W-What? I'm not staring at anything." he stammered defensively. Jimmy just rolled his bright blue eyes, laughing.

"Don't deny it, man. No one, straight or not, can resist that." he gestured at Synyster with a wine glass, and Matt looked back at the stage, finding Syn looking over at him as he danced, swinging gracefully on the pole, a smirk on his face. Matt could have sworn he saw him wink, but shook his head and turned back to Jimmy.

"Whatever, man. I wasn't staring." Matt grumbled, sitting down on a barstool. Jimmy patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, you might not be staring at him, but he's been looking your way for the past five minutes." he said, pointing back a Syn.

"Yeah, I though I saw him look..." Matt replied, sneaking a glance at the dancer.

"So you WERE staring!" Jimmy teased, earning him a punch in the arm from Matt.

"I was NOT staring!" the larger man shouted, eyes narrowed.

"All right, all right. I'd be careful, though. Once Syn finds something he wants, he doesn't give up easily. If you don't watch yourself, you'll be fucking by the end of next week." Jimmy said casually, a chuckle leaving his lips. Matt blushed, and his jaw dropped. Thankfully, the music had stopped and the dancers took their "bows," waving to the audience. Synyster even blew a kiss Matt's way, making Matt blush harder and look away. Jimmy cackled and finished with the glasses.

"Yep, end of next week!" he said. Matt resisted the urge to punch Jimmy in the face, fuming quietly for a while. But his anger was short-lived when Synyster walked over to Jimmy, a loose robe hanging on his near-naked body.

"Hey, Jimmy." he said. His voice was low and seductive, making Matt shiver a bit. Hopefully Syn and Jimmy didn't notice.

"Hey, Brian." Jimmy replied. Brian? Didn't seem to fit such a gorgeous creature... Fuck, Matt, snap out of it! "Great job tonight, bro. Had everyone screaming." Jimmy chuckled, glancing over at Matt. Syn, or Brian, smiled.

"Don't I always? I'm quite good at what I do." he teased, leaning on the bar. "Who's this handsome thing?"

Matt swallowed hard. Oh, this wouldn't go well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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