Chapter 24:

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Well, it's almost time for Christmas break. I'm debating on whether I should go back home or to to Luke's. Luke keeps telling me to go back to Tennessee. I still have a few days to decide though. This pregnancy has been going great, but lately I don't feel things are going right. Luke and I are going to the baby doctor today to check everything out. I heard a knock on the door. It was Luke. You ready baby? And how's my baby?" (Referring to my stomach) "Yeah, I'm ready." We walked to his tricky my feet hurt a lot because in pregnant, but I have to fight through it. We got to the baby doctor. I was scared and I prayed the whole way there. I mean I'm almost 4 months pregnant. What if something happened? The doctor asked me to hop on the table. "Alright, Cassie. So everything alright?" "Yeah I guess. I just feel something is wrong." "Well lets check it out here. I can tell you the sex of the baby today. Would you like to know?" I looked at Luke. He smiled, so I knew it was a yes. "Yes. I want to know." "Cassie, it appears that your baby is tangled in its cord. It's well she-" I cut her off. "Well do something! Cut me open! I don't care! Save my baby girl!" Luke was in tears and so was I. "Cassie, the baby's lungs aren't 100% matured so this is really risky. Are you sure you want to do this?" Luke cut me off. "She said she'll to do whatever to save our baby. So do it!" "Well alright we will get the papers and everything settled in. It's a good thing you came when you did." The doctor left the room. "Luke what are we gonna do? We can't afford hospital bills! Neither of us have good enough jobs for that! What if?" He cut me off. "Cassie, baby, we will find a way. For all of this. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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