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"I saw a vision Chloe....and it wasn't good." I told her. "Tell me what happened? It had to be pretty bad if it left you like you were a few minutes ago!" "Fine."

Siren was walking out of Yotally Torgurt with a bag full of Freeze Blast for the kids that frequently run in and out of her home. It was a calm and peace full day in Swellview but, it was windy something that's rare in Swellview. As she was walking she didn't notice there was a figure looking at her with glowing yellow eyes and the little scales peaking out for under its eyes. Siren felt as if someone was burning their eyes into her head so she turned to where the figure was but, it was gone.

" Okay, but you were gasping. What hap-" "I had that one before I started gasping, I had that vision standing up the one you saw was me seeing the bad part." I said interrupting Chloe. "I don't remember you having one before." " If I have visions that aren't that serious I don't freak out. That's why you didn't se it." "Okay then continue."

The figure had taken Siren that night around 10 after he knocked her out.He tied her to a chair that was at the bottom of a tank. Siren woke up to a mouth full of water that she decided to swallow before she started to kick around which loosened the ties on her feet. Panic started to rise in Siren once she looked up and saw a evil face smiling at her. She wanted to get out so bad and started to try and pull at her hands but she got light headed and forgot she was in a tank full of water. She. Breathed. In. She started choking and started shaking in the chair managing to only get one hand a loose before she fell limp and drowned.

"Charlotte, we have to tell someone! Mrs.Hart could drown!" Chloe exclaimed. "NO! That's a bad idea what if Mrs.Hart found out and it was just a false alarm? She wouldn't ever come out of her house again or she could think we were messing with her and hate us forever!"

Lies Charlotte, lies. You know that no vision is a false alarm! Someone's going to lose their life if you don't tell!

"But what if it isn't, Char?!" "I know but you can tell someone! I'm tired,visions take a lot out of you. See you tomorrow. Jasper's still picking us up right?" I said quickly changing the subject. "Yeah! Get rested up and thank you for helping me in Spanish." "No problem." I say grabbing my stuff and heading for the door. "Oh and Char?"

"Yes Chloe?" I say turning back around to face her. "Thank you for sharing that with me." "Anytime."

I started walking home when I felt the wind pick up. Oh mannnn, this is all going down tomorrow or the next day. I just wish I was living in a world were I didn't have visions. I can barely take them head on, someone strong needs this power.I wish I was normal.

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