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*Disclaimer: I do not own Louis Tomlinson. I only own the plot, ideas, and unrecognizable characters.


*Louis' POV*

The words that my father yelled at me went through one ear and out the other. We were in another arguement over my mischievious doings. "What gives you the right to beat a car- a Porsche for God's sake!- and spray paint innappropriate messages on the school and church buildings?" He shouted.

"I can do whatever I want to, you - you - twat!" I didn't feel much like myself. I usually kept to my self, only saying what was needed to be said, but tonight, I was on fire.

"Louis William Tomlinson!" Shouted my mum from the other room, obviously eavesdropping. "Don't you dare call your father a twat! You're royal, you need to start acting like you have some sense!"

I mumbled under my breath, "Maybe I don't want to be royal. Have you ever thought of that?"

"If that's what you want, Louis. You're going to a private school." My father spat back at me. I didn't know what to say.

"But - but - you can't do that!"

"You did all of that disasterous stuff and you're saying that I can't make you go to a private school?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying! Mum, do you hear this?"

My mother, Jane Tomlinson, walked in from the master bathroom with pink curlers stuck in her dark brown hair. "Louis, we've warned you several times about the consequences about all of this. One month there. Maybe that will straighten you out." My mother wasn't as strict as my father was, yet she was good at punishing. I couldn't believe she was actually sending me.

"You can't do that!" I shouted.

"Half a year." Father pointed furiously at me.

I glanced at Mum, "Are you going to sit there and let him do this?"

"Make that one full school year at the private school here in Doncaster." I couldn't even say anything back. I didn't think that he would actually send me. All of these other times, I thought that it was a threat to frighten me, but that threat finally became real.

Great, now I was going to a private school.

*Miranda's POV*

The bus drove away as I was left, fidgeting with the doorknob of our small cottage. As soon as I stepped in, my father appeared from the hallway, nearly running over me. "Guess what, Miranda?" He asked happily.

"What?" I was so confused. Why was he so excited?

"I got a promotion at work. We're moving!" Mum rised from the living room couch, to hug my father.

"What do you think about that, Miranda? I think it's amazing!" We couldn't move! I loved my school here, I couldn't leave it. I had so many friends. And this house, I'd miss it so much.

"Um, where to?" I asked.

"Doncaster. It's in South Yorkshire. One of my childhood mates is from there, last thing I heard of him, he's King." Wait, Uncle Nigel and Auntie Margret were from there. Now I'd be closer to them, and communication would be much easier! "Go pack your things, darling. We're leaving today!" Father sing-songed.

I stood there, paralyzed. We couldn't just leave today! I had to say goodbye to all of my friends here! I didn't want to just all of a sudden leave and not say goodbye to everyone. "Oh, one last thing." Father began, "You're going to the private school there!"

Great, now I was going to a private school.


Hurlo der! Thank you all for reading my story. Giant shout out to LouisTommoEverdeen for helping me through the first few stages. It's rough and she gladly helped me. Thanks, go check out her profile (if you haven't already....)

BTW, if you want to, send me ideas! I have the whole plot laid out, but not specific details. Also, you can probably see how this is piecing together, so....

Again, thanks! Laterade!

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