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Sweat was dripping off of each and every one of them. Their knees felt like jello, their breath was coming out in pants. But they weren't done yet. One more point...one more point and they'd be the winners!
The other team was serving. Sugawara nodded to Kageyama, and he took the hint. He nodded to Hinata. Hinata nodded back. They were going to do the freak quick, to end this game with a big bang.
Hinata took a big breath, then smiled. Kageyama rolled his eyes; no matter how tired he was, Hinata always had that stupid grin on his face.
The ball was out. Tanaka hit it. The ball was heading to Kageyama. Hinata was running. He looked so at peace, his stupid red hair flying everywhere, and that damned grin plastered on his face. His eyes were closed; that proves how much he trusted him. Set it. Hinata was in the air. The ball was on the tips of Kageyama's fingers. He aimed. He shot.
"Hinata! Fly!" Tanaka yelled. He did. His hand smacked the ball, and it fell with a loud smack on the opponents side of the court.
Asahi and Nishinoya cheered loudly, and Hinata landed back on the ground, panting heavily, smiling smugly.
"Kageyama, we did it!"
"We always do it," Kageyama replied blandly.
"Yeah, but every time we do, it feels like the first time."
"That's stupid, Hinata, we do it all the time."
"I like doing quicks with you, Kageyama."
"You like doing anything, Hinata."
Hinata smiled, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his arm. Kageyama stared at him, silently. He was glad they won. He was stoked. But he couldn't show it like he usually did, not this time. He felt different. He wanted to give Hinata all the credit, that stupidly cute idiot.
Cute. Hinata looked cute in his dumb jersey with his idiotic grin plastered on his doofus face.
"Stop staring like a creep," Tsukishima said, shoulder checking Kageyama. "If you're thinking about kissing him, you should do it when nobody is watching. It'd suck for you to get rejected when everyone is watching."
"Eh?!" Kageyama spit out. "I wasn't even thinking about that!"
"Sure looked like it," he smirked, pushing his glasses up with his index fingers.
"Shut up."
They lined up, and walked to the net, where the shook hands with their opponents. Afterwards, they all vacated the gym.
"I'd say let's all go out to eat, but I'm exhausted and I just want to go home," Ennoshita said, stretching his arms behind his head.
"I agree. We'll celebrate tomorrow, guys!" Daichi said, smiling widely at the team.
They all grunted in agreement, and parted ways. Hinata and Kageyama walked together. Kageyama thought about what that idiot Tsukishima had said, about him kissing Hinata. That would be absurd, him kissing Hinata? Yuck!
"What're you thinking about, Kageyama?" Hinata asked cheerfully.
"Mind your own damn business."
"Stop being such a sour puss!"
"Stop using lame ass insults."
They remained silent, the only sound was the crunch of their shoes against the gravel.
"You don't usually walk this far with me, Kageyama. Your home was on that last turn."
"I decided I'd walk with you. Do you have a problem?"
"No.." Hinata said, looking at Kageyama with confusion. "What's bugging you, Kageyama-san?"
Kageyama rolled his eyes, shoving his hands in his coat pockets. "Nothing."
Hinata didn't say anything, instead he looked straight ahead. Kageyama looked at him through the corner of his eyes. He then realized he was looking right at his lips. That damn Tsukishima! If he hadn't of said anything about kissing Hinata, he wouldn't be so confused!
Hinata stopped. They were in front of his house.
"Well...bye Kageyama!"
"Wait!" He said, sternly.
What, indeed. Why'd he want him to wait? The stupid brat should just go inside. He placed his hands on Hinata's shoulders, suddenly very determined. Stupid Tsukishima.
"Shut up."
Hinata stayed silent, staring up at him. God, why is he so short? He felt like Hinata was sharing right up his nose. Just do it, idiot.
He looked at Hinata, and grabbed his chin, more rough then he intended, and brought his lips to his own.
Stupid Tsukishima...thinking I'd get rejected..
Hinata kissed him back. He could feel Hinata's stupid grin against his lips. Against his lips. He pulled away, staring wide eyed at Hinata.
"Tsukishima said you were going to do that...I thought he was kidding!"
Hinata smiled widely, wrapping his arms around Kageyama's waist; he was just that short.
"Get off of me."
"Fine. Don't get off of me."
"Okay, I won't."
After a few, rather long, minutes, Kageyama hugged him back. Ha...Kageyama, rejected? That's absurd.

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