Chapter 1 The Return

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Kasey walks into the kitchen and sees her father on the ground bleeding 

"Dad ! " Kasey say

Kasey rushes over to her father

"Dad " Kasey say

Kasey sees that her dad's fingers are cut off and is stab in the stomach

Kasey sees the phone on the counter and grabs it and than dials 911

While Kasey is on the phone with 911 Camille is behind her watching her daughter

"Oh my god " Kasey say

"Dad " Kasey say

Maddox was starting to awake up and sees both Kasey & Camille

"K-Kasey " Maddox say

"Dad " Kasey say

"B-Behind y-you " Maddox say

Kasey turns round and sees no one 

"Who's there ? " Kasey say

Kasey got up and look round but sees no one

While Kasey is in the living room her father Maddox is starting to awake up again and sees Camille looking down at him

"C-Camille " Maddox say

"Hello " Camille say

Camille picks up a glass cup and throws it against the wall Kasey have hear it and went back into the kitchen. Kasey sees no one but only her father

The paramedics arrive and takes Maddox to the hospital cause there was no move for Kasey in the ambulance so she calls either Andrea or Olivia but they are not answering so Kasey decides to call one of the boys lucky Sky answer his phone and have agree to take Kasey to the hospital 

Sky arrives at Kasey's house and Kasey come out got into the car with Sky than drive off to the hospital

"Thanks Sky " Kasey say

"No problem " Sky say

"What happen ? " Sky say

"I just got home and see my dad on the ground bleeding with his fingers are cut off and stab in the stomach " Kasey say

"Fingers chop off and stab in the stomach " Sky say

"Yes, than he told me behind me and I turn round sees no one there " Sky say

"It must have been a vampire that attack your dad " Sky say

"How you know ? " Kasey say

"Vampires are the fastest creatures on Earth besides werewolves in they wolf form " Sky say

"Yes that's true " Kasey say

"Which vampire ? " Kasey say

"Well any of us didn't do it since we haven't been invite into you house before the only ones have been invite in are my dad and Tyler which they are not vampires " Sky say

"True " Kasey say

"Your dad may have invite a vampire that we don't know into your house " Sky say

"That is also true but which vampire ? " Kasey say

"Well it can't be Mavis due she left town again , Alucard and his coven also left town to and Vladimir's are outside of town " Sky say

"Who ? " Kasey say

"We will find out who Kasey " Sky say

"Yeah " Kasey say

Sky and Kasey have arrive at the hospital and got the room number where Maddox is staying 

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