Hangrid + mace

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Hannah sat down on her couch, pulling out her diary and writing down her thoughts. She sees grace and Mamrie walking in, casually trying to put her notebook away so they don't see it. She cringed at the thought of them finding it, she knew grace and Mamrie would laugh if they knew she had a diary, she watches as grace quickly kisses Mamrie's cheek before walking into the kitchen.

Mamrie and grace had started dating a few weeks ago and Hannah was happy for them.
they where adorable.
Hannah didn't know what was going on with herself though, she just suddenly realised how good looking her friends were.
She sometimes caught herself staring at Mamrie's ass or graces sparkling eyes for longer than needed.
She quietly scolded herself before blushing and changing the subject to something light hearted, she'd also stopped talking to them about relationships and stuff.

She knew it was better this way.

But Mamrie and grace had caught on to her weird behaviour. After talking about it they both agreed it was unbelievably adorable, they had caught her staring at them and watched giggling as she internally scolded herself.
Mamrie watched, raising an eyebrow as Hannah shoved her notebook into a draw before locking it and going to talk to them, "morning guys!" Hannah smiled, rubbing her eyes and getting a coffee.
"Hannah? Are you getting a coffee?" Grace giggled as Hannah shot her a weird look and nodded.
"When does Hannah hart drink coffee, I thought you where a little British tea lover"
Grace giggled at her own joke grabbing her own coffee and passing Mamrie one. Hannah just shrugged, swallowing quickly before blushing and going into her study.
Mamrie and grace watched her leave, looking at each other and sighing.
"She's being weird, right?" Mamrie asked looking at the closed door and running her hand through her hair. Grace nodded, grabbing some cereal and sitting next to Mamrie.
"You wanna talk to her or me?" Mamrie smiled slightly at the irony of Hannah being the most childish between them.
Grace sighed before kissing her quickly and going to Hannah's study, knocking on the door.
"Hannah" grace asked, slowly opening the door to a sad looking Hannah hart lying on the couch facing away from her.
Hannah was sleeping quietly with her arms wrapped around herself protectively and tears falling from her face.
Grace kissed her forehead before walking out and quietly closing the door behind her.

"Hey, what happened?" Mamrie asked as grace sat down, slumping into her chair.
"She was asleep, she looked scared and she was crying"
Grace looked extremely distressed, Mamrie gave her a hug and kissed her.
"It's okay, we will find out what's wrong with her"


"Hannah, why would either of us like you!" Mamrie sneered, kicking me to the floor and standing over me.
"Your short, ugly and stupid" grace joined in, pulling Mamrie in for a long kiss and punching Hannah as she watched, it was turning her on and she felt disgusted with herself.
"Why would either of us like you..."

Hannah woke up with a jolt, jumping up and feeling sweaty. She felt tears running down her face as she choked them down, wiping her eyes she ran to the bathroom.
She ran straight into Mamrie, stumbling back.
"Hannah? You okay darlin'?" Mamrie asked as she looked at the short crying girl, Hannah just looked at her and flinched. Trying to wipe the image of Mamrie hitting her from her mind and running to the bathroom.
She ran in just in time to throw up into the toilet, feeling gross she flushed the toilet. Grabbing a towel and jumping into the shower, she got out and threw up again wiping her mouth and gettin dressed.

Mamrie saw Hannah stumble into her, watching the pure fear cross her face before she ran to the bathroom.
Grace walked up to her asking what happened over the sound of Hannah throwing up, she just shrugged. She couldn't shake off the image of pure fear on Hannah's face.
They heard Hannah shower then throw up again, looking at her sympathetically as she weakly walked to her room.
Hannah face planted into her bed, not even having the power to get under her covers.
She heard grace and Mamrie come in, pretending to be asleep she closed her eyes. She heard grace giggle, "we know your awake farto" Hannah sighed, feeling herself blush but shivering at the same time.
Grace grabbed her covers, putting them lightly on her before her and Mamrie climbed on top, making sure she was warm.
"You okay hunny" Mamrie asked, stroking Hannah's hair gently and kissing her cheek. Hannah nodded, feeling weak and gross.
"What happened? You were fine this morning, when I came to check on you in your office you where crying" Hannah stiffened, not saying anything and just burying her head into the covers.
"Guys, I'm tired" she muttered, sniffing deeply and trying not to cry.
"Okay Han, but your gonna have to tell us eventually"

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