
76 6 2

I havent updated in a while but i decided to check this and i saw 26 Veiws!!

I know its not a lot but to those who actually like my 2 crappy drawings THANK YOU >< It means a lot to me so yeah. c:

Also. I accept requests! If you want me to draw a certain character from a fandom or an Oc just let me know.

The characters/oc can be from:
Warrior Cats



Gravity Falls

Doctor Who

Animals in general

Dinosaurs/Jurassic Park/World

Pewdiepie(ex: Stephano)

Jacksepticeye(ex: Septic Eye Sam)

Markiplier(ex: Tiny Box Tim)

again, thank you!! it really touches me that 26 people have seen my art (at least 2 drawings)

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