Siblings 101

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Edward POV

After a short while Rosetta and Rick came down the stairs and into the kitchen hand in hand. And to my surprise they were totally different clothing. Rosetta wore a gothic Lolita shirt that was black and had white frills at the ends of her sleeves, and chest area. It also showed her midriff. Along with a short black leather mini skirt and black leather knee high, high hell boots. Her hear was brushed and put into a kind of braided bun that let the long ends of her hair be free down her back. Rick on the other hand wore a slightly tore up black tank top with the words KISS THE DEAD written in white letter on it, he also wore kind of baggy cargo shorts that medal chains hanging off the belt loops and black leather combat boots.

"Where in Heaven did you get those?" I asked shock and confused. They looked good, but something about those clothes are familiar.

"We found then in the closet last night when Rick was putting are bag in there. I was pretty surprised to find that they fit." Rosetta replied.

"Oh I was wondering where I put those!!" my mother gasped.

"These are yours mom?" I questioned.

"Well yes. Me and your father wore those clothes back in our college days. But I have to say, they look so much better on you two." She commented.

"You had pretty good style back then mom. But I can't picture dad as the punk rock kind of guy." Rosetta stated.

I had to agree with her there. Mother had always had a kind of free but gothic personality. But father was always so strait and narrow, almost never saw him without a tie. "Not every child knows everything about their parents' golden years." Said father as he walked passed the couple and into the kitchen. Giving mother a kiss on the cheek before sitting down at the table, only to be followed by the couple shortly afterward.

They scooted their chairs really close together, then Rosetta rested her head on Rick's shoulder and Rick rested his head on hers as he started to play with her hair. "I know their really close and all. But do they really to be all touchy, all the time?" I asked myself. Even the closest couple would want SOME space between them. And as my mother placed their food in front of them. They only adjusted enough to feed each other. "If you two start rubbing noses I'll hurl." Father commented, reading my mind and earning a slap on the arm from mother.


Same POV

Me and my mother got out of the car while Rick helped Rosetta off of the two wheeled death trap for known as a motorcycle. I didn't ask how they got it, nor did I want to know. We walked into the mall, my mother excitedly dragged Rosetta away from us into Victoria's Secret. Rick tried to follow but I stopped him. He then gave me a confused look.

"Unless you want to be glared at by A LOT of women. I say we just meet them later." I stated, and he reluctantly nodded his head.

He looked around a bit before heading into a store called "HOT TOPIC." which didn't really surprise me. And I'm sure that Rosetta and mom will meet us there when their done. So I followed the taller man. I would never admit it, but I was also a bit in the gothic seen. I would buy clothes that looked "bad ass" as Eddy once put when he and Ed last saw me wear them. But it was a rare occurrence for I had to look the part of the "smart child." Which meant sweater vests, ties, and baggy button up shirts that cover up my well built upper body from swim team practice, which I started up on after middle school.

But today, I decided to wear my "real" clothes. A red V neck T-shirt, black skinny jeans, with black convers and my black leather jacket tied around my waist and my hat safely tucked into my back pocket safely. Along with a REAL small black hoop earing on my left ear. In which surprised Rosetta. And just so you know my parent support my real fashion choices. I only dress the nerdish way I do, to help the teachers feel compfterbul around me. Because believe it or not, they will judge you by how you look.

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