Can't tell the time anymore

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Chat/Adrien POV
"Chat Noir, do you know where LB has been?"
"She just need some day off. I can handle this all by myself."
Just before the reporter ask me another question, my ring start to beep.
"Well, gotta run. Don't want to reveal my identity here. Adios!" Before take off.
I detransform to my civillan form and took out a jar from my bag. Inside there is the akuma.
"Well well what do we have here~ An akuma, heh... better bring this to Milady before it multiply."

As I enter my house, I went to the kitchen and take some clamerblet to feed Plagg. Once he's recharge, I transform back to Chat. When I check on LB, she seems quiet than usual.

"Milady, do you need anything?"
She just keep her slience.

That's where my life start to turn.

Marinette/Ladybug POV
Just how many days already pass? Weeks? Months? Maybe YEARS? I don't even remember how the sunlight looks anymore.
As Chat doing his usual routine to check on me, I always keep my slience. Avoid any chat with Chat. (No pun intended) He always bring the akuma and leave it me to purify it, alone. He may be mad, but still have the respect to keep my identity until I or he was ready.
Today, I need to make my decision. He can't keep me forever here. My parents will worried-- desperately searching for me right now. Alya must suspicious about my disappearence too.
I need to break free before I went MAD.

Then, my life change it pace.

I manage finish this chapter to end a bit of your suffer -hehehe-. I did say that I will post 3 chapters by the end of this month, and I will do it. This is the 4th chap and the final chap with 2 different ending will be publish before 1 of August. So cry in this chapter cause I love to make my readers suffer to the end. *insert evil laugh* *slap*
Till here I write! Chu~

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