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(Outfit up top for this Chapter! ^^)

Rosie's POV

After me and Bella got ready i made her bring her Camera so she could take some pictures.

"So Bella what was the nightmare about?" I asked, making her surprised.

"W-what are you talking about?" She asked nervously.

"Oh come on Bella i know you, so tell me" I demanded.Bella Sighed and started telling me.

"Ok the Dream it started out i was in a meadow but i saw gran there, i was a little surprised since Gran passed away two years ago, but then i saw Edward come out, he started sparkling in the sunlight to i yelled for to stop so gran wouldn't see him, but then i looked back at gran and then she started doing what i was doing, but then i realised it wasn't gran it was me and i was older, like granny older, Edward stroked my cheek and told me happy birthday before i woke up to you guys" She explained.

Realisation came to me. "Is that why you freaked out when i said you were getting old, cause you don't want to get older?" I asked.

Bella nodded and looked down at her lap.I sighed and put my hand on her shoulder. "So you want Edward to turn you into a Vampire?" She nodded slowly, probably seeing how i would react.

"Bella i know you love Edward and you want to be with him forever, but i think you are rushing into things, trust me i want to be with Carlisle forever to but i want to live first before i want to die, and i can tell you right now Bella if you become a vampire early you'll regret not waiting to do whatever you like while your young, but if you keep stressing your self out about getting older your gonna make yourself go crazy, okay?" Bella nodded, slowly taking in my words.

"Thank you Rosie, i needed that" I nodded and smiled.

----Skip to School----

I hopped out of Bella's truck, swinging my backpack onto my shoulder as my feet reached the ground.Over the past months me and My new Best friend Jenna have gotten way closer.But i haven't figured out her secret yet, i mean i considered her to be a vampire at first but her eyes literally flashed a fire kind of red not the newborn kind the kind of eyes you look into with actually FIRE in them.

I didn't tell Carlisle about her, cause he would probably go all protective and make me stop being friends with her and i don't want to stop.She actually understands me beside Bella and it was nice.

I broke out of my thoughts and look behind me to see Edward and Bella making out.

"OH! No! Innocent eyes here! EW! EW EW EW EW!" I yelled.They laughed and broke apart.

"Soooooooo, Bella imma go find Jenna I-i'll see you later" I said awkwardly, then ran away to find Jenna.

Today was gonna be eventfull....

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