The Truth

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In this chapter, Bella is 5, so it's been 2 years. 10 more votes for next chapter!



Edward's P.O.V.

"Bella, Esme is done cooking your food, go eat." I said to Bella one day.

Her question took me off guard.

"How come you guys never eat." She asked us.

I didn't know how to answer her question, but thankfully, Emmett answered for me, hearing Bella's question since he was right next to us, playing a video game.

"We do, Bella, you just don't see it." He told her.

I smiled in his direction, grateful for his answer. He showed his thanks in his thoughts.

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I glared at him. I hated that nickname. I only liked it when I Bella called me that.

My throat burned as I thought more and more of food, and I decided to go hunt.

As soon as Bella was out of earshot, I asked Emmett to go with me, he nodded.

I went into the dining room and told Bella that we were going to the store to buy milk.

We would quickly get some milk after we hunted to go with the coverstory.

Emmett gave me thumbs up, seeng my plan.

After a quick goodbye to Esme, we went of the house, dashing out.

We were soon deep in the forest, so deep that no human would ever wander this far from home.

I fed off of 3 deer and 2 mountain lions, while Emmett ate 1 mountain lion and 2 bears.

After we were done, I got the car and drove to the super market, leaving Emmett in the car. He looked to dirty and unapprochable.

I grabbed the milk and payed for it and went back in the car and drove home.

Bella was watching High School Musical when we got there.

"Why are you all dirty Emmett?" She questioned.

"Um, you see Bella, I uh," He started, stalling.

"He fell down" I said, answering Bella's question. "He fell down and then his shirt got ripped by a tree branch." I added, pointing to Emmett's shirt.

She arched an eyebrow but didn't question us again.

I decide to change the subject. "Do you want to go upstairs?" I asked her.

She nodded, then lifted her hands up, signaling that she wanted 'up,' I picked her up and swung her over to my back, putting her in a piggyback position. She locked her arms around my neck and I ran upstairs, we were at her room in a half second.

"Ed?" She asked me as I placed her on the bed.

"What's wrong Bella?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing, I was just think about how fast you are." she said. "Why are you faster than me?"

I was thinking my answer over when Carlisle appeared at the door.

"Ready for school Bella?" He asked her, glancing at me. He had heard our converstation. I gave him a small smile and he nodded.

"Yes daddy," Bella said, getting off her bed. "Let's go."


Bella took Carlisle's hand and they walked to his study. Bella was homeschooled for many different reasons.

"Ed can you come with me to school?" She asked me.

I looked at Carlisle. He nodded. I turned back to Bella.


She smiled, happy I would be there. She had grown very fond of me, as had I.

I watched as she completed math problems with ease and read picture books.

She wrote various sentence Carlisle had written for her and read them out loud for us.

She was very smart for her age. When she was finished, Esme called her for a snack.

When she left to go eat I turned to Carlisle.

"Carlisle?" I asked.

"Yes son?"

"Bella has been questioning us, our speed, why we don't eat."

"Yes I heard some of it." He responded. "I think you should tell her Edward."

"How? I thought out loud. "I don't want to scare her."

"Find a website about vampires on her computer, skip the fake parts and scary parts and tell her the real things." He answered.

I nodded, and headed to Bella's room.

I found that she was napping in her king bed.

I had wondered why Alice had bought her such a massive bed. She was only five.

I went to her desk and opened her Apple laptop, searching up vampires.

I found a few articles.

I laughed at the fake stuff I read.

After 30 minutes or so, Bella woke up.

"Ed?" She asked.

"I'm here Bella, don't worry." I told her.

"What are you looking at?"

"I'll show you in a minute." I said.

I picked her up and carried her in one arm while I carried the laptop in the other.

I sat down in the living room and placed Bella on my lap, and the computer on the coffee table.

The rest of the family came in. Alice had told them that I would want to have this meeting.

She saw it.

"Bella," I began, "do you know about vampires?"

"Not really," she answered.

"We'll, most people think they burn in sunlight, hate garlic, and sleep in coffins but that's not true. They don't sleep, they sparkle in sunlight, and they hate the smell of garlic." I said.

"How do you know that?" She asked me.

"Because, Me and your family are vampires." I said, waiting for her reaction. She was confused.

"So you drink blood?" She said.

I nodded.

"Then why didn't you drink my blood yet?" She asked us.

"Because we only drink animal blood," Carlisle explained. "We do not eat humans."

"Good." She said, making every one smile.

I read some of the article to her, skipping the fake parts, or the too scary ones. When I was finished, everyone was anxious, scared that Bella would fear us. Esme spoke first.

"Are you scared of us?" She asked Bella.

The response I was expecting was completely different.

She burst out laughing. "You think you're scary mommy?" She asked once she was done. Then she started giggling again.

I laughed with her, as did the rest of the family.

"So you aren't scared?" Emmett asked.

She shook her head. "No. Your different! Your faster, stronger and brave. And you're prettier. I like vampires more than Bella's." She decided.

"I like Bella's more than vampires." I told her.

I was glad, she didn't fear us, or hate us. And now, she could be in on our big secret.

Baby Bella- Discontinued (IN NEED OF EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now