Crazy is the New Black

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I asked my mom to drive me to school that Friday because the Academic Team members were announced. My feet were up on the dash as I texted Ellie. A ding signaled a response.

'Yo nerd, I'm out front waiting for the doors. Where are you?'

I sight and text back, 'Almost there. Calm yoself.'

I feel the car stop and look to my right to see the school. I take a deep breath, thank my mom for the ride and get out of the car, running up to Ellie.

After waiting outside for a good five minutes, the doors finally opened and I used my height as an advantage, shoving myself through the sea of rowdy teens, pulling Ellie along with me.

It thins out when we get to the commons, some kids going to their electives, some to the band rooms to put away instruments and some down to the core classes and lockers.

I see Clayton and grab him with the hand that isn't already holding onto Ellie. "C'mon, kiddos!" I say, yanking them both towards the board where I can see the names but can't make them out.

After what felt like a mile, I park myself in front of the board and begin reading.
Most of the 7th graders didn't ring a bell except Spence Warder, who I met at musical tryouts just the other day. He was incredibly nice, I'm glad he made it. Tommy Connor, the jerk from tryouts also made it but I decided to not let that put me down.

I glance over the 8th grade team.

Joe Adams. I don't recognize the name, maybe he tried out on the other day.

Mia Brooks. The girl from my Language Arts class. She'll be happy.

Ellie Cosgrove. Not really surprised, if I'm being honest. She's high up on my list of smart people I know.

Sydney Fanning. Again, no surprise. She knows at least something about everything.

Nick Ferns. Was that the kid whose name I thought was d_ck? I think so. Guess it's not that and is, in fact, Nick.

Clayton Jones. Hell yeah! Clayton made it! Good choice, Mrs. Davis, good choice!

Alyssa Michaels. Almost everyone I know made it! I'm so proud!

Then there, at the bottom of the list: Kathleen Winston.


I had way too many emotions walking into Mrs. Davis' room for the first Scholar Bowl practice. Nerves were off the charts and I could feel my heart pounding like it decided it didn't want to live in my chest anymore. I was ecstatic but I also felt like I couldn't breathe properly. Fears ran through my head. I was so determined to not let anyone down.

When Clayton, Ellie and I walk into the room, most of the team was already there, sitting on the tables and talking about different things. For the most part, the eighth grade team and the seventh grade team were fairly segregated. The only exception was Spence, who was talking to Mia about Lord know's what. We were just about to join in on the conversation when Mrs. Davis walked in the room and it was time to get down to business.

Mrs. Davis talked to both teams for a while, discussing schedules, t-shirts and expectations. When that, and the paperwork was done, she sent the seventh graders into the hallway to do more Brain Quest so she could practice just us older kids for a little bit.

However, when the last sevie had left the room, she simply shut the door and walked to the front of the room, standing in front of the eight of us. She didn't give us a worksheet or tell us to head over to the table with the buzzers. She just looked at all of us in turn. She took a deep breath.

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