Chapter 2: The First Day

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You know when you were younger and you were always told not to do something and it made you want to do it anyways? Your mother would tell you that you can't have a cookie and it makes you want it more. That's how I feel.

I wake up to my alarm blaring into the silence of my house and I dreadfully get dressed, as usual I end up wearing a band shirt. Today I chose Blink 182. I walk down stairs and grab my bag.

"Goodbye sweetie!" My mom yells.

"Bye mom..." I mumble as I was out of the door.

The school is a 5 minute walk away so it doesn't take me that long to get there. It's huge. I decide to go in the door labeled Main Office.

"May I help you?" The lady behind the desk asks.

"Uhm, yes, I'm new here. My name is Callie Davis. I'm new here. I was wondering if I could have a map or something to help me find my classes." I ask the lady.

"Well of course! Here ya go dear! And good luck on your first day!" She smiles at me and hands me the map and a piece of paper with my locker combo on it.

My locker is near the entrance and my first class is at the end of the school. I decide to put my books and bag in my locker and head down to the class room.

"Blink 182? EMO FREAK!" Someone yells at me as they trip me and my papers go everywhere.

Laughter surrounds me and I realize that it's not going to be easy here.

"Are you okay?" I hear a voice ask.

"Yeah. Clearly I'm okay." I say through a sad voice.

The hands which I believe belong to the voice start helping me. I look up and see a girl my height with long black hair. She's wearing a black Green Day shirt, my kind of person.

"Hi, I'm Amber. You must be new." She chuckles.

"Y-Yeah. I'm from New York City. My names Callie." I respond.

"Big city? Nice. I like your style in music there." She points to my shirt.

"Thanks. I like yours too." I say back.

"I have to go. But I'll see you around?" She asks.

"Of course. Do you know where Mr. Burns class is?" I ask.

"That's my first class! It's all the way at the end. Good luck!" She says walking away.

I make my way down there and I end up being late.

"I'm glad you decided to join us Ms. Davis. Class, this is Callie. She's from New York City." The teacher says.

The class murmurs and I sheepishly wave with my head down.

"I know it might be hard since you're from the big city but please, find a seat." He gestures towards the class.

I look up and see there's a seat open right next to Amber and I take that one. She waves at me and I smile back.

The teacher starts his lesson and in the middle of it someone walks in. He looks familiar and I can't put my finger on it.

He's wearing a Bring Me The Horizon shirt, again, my kind of person.

"Mr. Irwin. Glad you decided to show." Mr. Burns says.

Irwin? ASHTON! It's Ashton!

"You're lucky I came at all." He mumbles as he makes his way to his seat which happens to be next to me.

A few minutes go by and he looks at me and won't look away for what seems like forever.

"May I help you?" I ask.

"I know you." He says back.

"Uhm, my mom brought a pie to your house. But I never met you." I say to him.

"Callie. My dad told me about you. Said to stay away from you." He leans towards me "Its tempting." He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Thanks. But I know guys like you. Ones that don't care about anything but themselves. I'm good. Thanks." I say back.

He pulls out a cigarette and starts to light it. "Whatever." He responds.

"Are you crazy?! We are in class!" I say to him.

"Yeah? I'm 18? I do what I want, I'm punk rock." He chuckles.

"No you're not!" I grab the cigarette and he reaches for another. "Just because you wear eyeliner, doesn't make you punk rock!"

I say the last part too loud and the teacher hears.

"Ms. Davis! Is that a lit cigarette in your hand?! Mr. Irwin, I'm not surprised with you. BOTH OF YOU! DETENTION! AND WE WILL CALL YOUR-"

The bell rings, marking the end of class.

"Saved by the bell, eh?" He chuckles and takes the lit cigarette in my hand.

"See you around, Blink." He says pointing to my shirt.

Now, I see why I was told to stay away from him.

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