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2 Months Later 

Cash Pov
Finally I got a Pov! I know most of y'all probably hate me for taking King from bri but I did what had to be done. And if King didn't want to be with or have anything to do with me like he claims then why didn't he say "cash we gotta stop fucking" ???? Silent aren't ya?! Yeah anyways he didn't say that cause he wanted to! & I love King dearly & I know he loves me ... That's all that matters.

"Hey y'all" I said walking in the store. Everybody waved or gave me a head nod. Weird they normally be all over me saying hey & rubbing my baby bump. I walked to the back to see if King has came in yet "josh!? Why you back here" I asked, he was doing some paperwork "I'm working" I sat down "you're not the manager you can't be back here" he laughed "you're not either" "wym King told me I was manager" "yeah & he demoted that ass too" I shook my head "where is he?" "He went to go talk to bri" I rolled my eyes "he's not getting back with her .... Is he?". "Cash I don't know.... You have to understand they been together since high school, they're not going to let no hoe come in & break them up because you flopping that damn baby bump around" he barked. "I can change his mind" I said walking out.

Mel Pov
Christmas is in a couple of weeks, my mom & I are doing our annual Christmas shopping. "Mom this is cute for Hayden, briyah, & lisha" I said holding up a cheetah print north face jacket. "Yeah that is cute" momma said. She's been acting as if she's had a lot on her mind since I came by to get her this morning "ma you okay? You look like something is on your mind" she gave me a weak smile "we need to talk baby girl". We walked to the food court "so what you wanna talk about?" I said eating my taco "your dad" I stopped eating "what happened to daddy?" "He's in the hospital, his health is getting worse... The doctor said his kidneys are shutting down, Mel I'm sorry it took you so long to find out" I couldn't say anything I was froze "how long has he been in the hospital?" "Almost 3 months ... The doctor says any day he might not be here no more" I started to cry "why are you just now telling me?" "I didn't know how & you & jerell were getting y'all relationship back together I didn't wanna mess things up".

"Mess things up!!?!? That's my mf'n dad ... Wym you couldn't tell me" I said raising my voice "Melanie Ashanti Harris come your damn voice down" momma said. "No! Where's my dad?" I said standing up, people were starting to stare & whisper but idgaf "the memorial hospital on 34th street" I ran out the mall got into my car & drove to the hospital.

I walked in my dads room, he was laying in bed with all kind of tubes down his throat. I started to cry "daddy" I said walking up to him. "Daddy .... I'm sorry I haven't been here to see you, momma just told me what was going on with you today" I grabbed his hand to my surprise he gripped my hand back. "Daddy if you can hear I just wanna let you know I love you " the machine he was hooked to started beeping fast "ma'am we're going to need you to exit the room please" the nurse said as other nurses ran into the room. "Is he okay" they pushed me out the room. One of the nurses got on top of him & tried doing CPR. "DADDY!!" I yelled. They closed the door.

King Pov
"Okay Mrs. Washington -" "Ms.Davis" bri said correcting the doctor. Yup me & bri got a divorce she said she was through getting hurt so I guess that's how she wanna do things. "Oh I'm sorry .... Okay Ms.davis would you like to see your baby?" "Yes please" I said, bri snapped her neck at me "what?". The doctor cut the lights off. She rubbed the jelly on bri's stomach, then she rubbed the stick thingy on there.

"You hear baby's heart beat" the doctor said. He/she heart beat was filling the whole room with sound. "Aww" bri said I looked at her, she was smiling at the screen. "Looks like it's a boy" I said squinting my eyes at screen "hope not the world doesn't need another Dante" bri said . The doctor laughed "it's to early to see she's only 2 and a half months..... Let's give it another month & a Half" I nodded. The doctor wiped the jelly off bri's stomach "you can set up your next appointment with the receptionist" we were getting ready to walk out when the doctor stopped us "you too need marriage counseling... Here he's the best counselor I know" she handed me a card "thanks" I said taking the card.

"What time the kids coming home" I said sitting down beside her. "Their staying with your mom this weekend" she said putting her phone down. I put he led in my lap & started rubbing her feet "Dante leave me alone" she said trying to move her legs "nah come here baby" I pulled her close to me "I still love you Brianna" she twisted her lip. "You don't love me no more?" "I still love you" I smiled "when you gonna be Mrs Washington again?" She pushed my face back "that is not happening & you know that" I frowned. "We'll see". My phone started to ring it was cash

Phone convo:
Cash😒: where you at baby?
Me: chilling with bri... Why?
Cash😒: King wtf!? Why you around that bitch?
Me: cause we just left her appointment what you want?
Cash😒: come home now!
Me: whatever
End of phone convo

"Aye I gotta go I'll stop back by later tonight" I said putting my phone in my pocket. "Bye". "Can I get a kiss?" I asked "no ... Bye " I laughed standing up. "Lock my door on your way out" bri yelled after me.

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