Lima's Insanity

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Lima's insanity has returned after Melody's mission, she saw how Glitch was really worried if something happened to her, and it made her think about Tobi. (DCPOODLEXX )

"Calm down, Lima. He is coming today from the hospital." Rasa says to his partner.

"I know, but what if he doesn't?" Lima says as she faints onto the bed.

"He w— Lima! Are you okay?" Rasa says as he runs to Lima.

He checks her heartbeat, and it's still beating, but she just fainted.

"Oh, she is definitely getting therapy after this." Rasa says to himself. (DCPOODLEXX )

A few minutes after Rasa left his crew room, someone knocked on the door. Lima had woken up and was on her phone. She opened the door, and was surprised!

"Tobi! EEEEK!" Lima screamed.

Lima screamed and tackled Tobi and covered him in her purple lipstick.

"I missed you too." Tobi says as he gets from the floor.

"Hey Tobi!" Rasa yells from the other side of the room.

"Mah man! How you doin?" Tobi replied as Rasa and him did his handshake.

"Just tryna calm down L—"

He saw Lima trying to tell him to not say that.

"Just tryna calm down Glitch after he saved his girlfriend! Not that Lima was going crazy over you and was about to kill herself!" Rasa nervously said.

Winter: Rasa is terrible at lying!
And you have a big mouth, now let me continue the story!

"Umm, ok?" Tobi said scratching his head.

Tobi goes to his own private room in DCI since he didn't have a crew member, and he went to go take a shower.

As Rasa was walking back to the crew room, he was pulled onto the floor, and was dragged by his legs.

"You almost embarrassed me in front of my boyfriend, you asshole!" Lima screamed at Rasa.

"I'm sorry, but you were going crazy over him when he was gone." Rasa calmly responds. "You're like a psychopath when he isn't here. That's probably why nobody wanted to date you in college."

Lima's feelings were hurt, but she knew it was true.

As Rasa was walking, he felt someone cover his eyes and thought, "Why are so many people harassing me today?"

It was actually his girlfriend, Dare.

"Hey baby!" Dare says as she removes her hands over his eyes.

Rasa turned around, and picked up Dare and swung her in the air.

I really don't wanna talk about them too much, they are not really an important couple.

Meanwhile with Taye, Lil T, and Tyler

"Tyler, stop using my lotion!" Taye shouts.

"Well, it's not my fault, Tia(Lil T) uses all of mine!" Tyler replies.

"Hey, I gotta keep my luscious skin clean! And I'm too cheap to buy lotion!" Lil T says as she eats some of Mo's skittles she found in the lounge.

"Tia, you have $10,000 + in your bank account! Did you forget you work for a top notch agency? You have a lot of money to spend on whatever we like. How do you think, we and everyone else in DCI have a 100 inch flat screen tv in our room? It didn't just appear there!" Taye tells her sister.

"I guess I did forget. See, let me school you on something. When you are living the life, you actually forget that you have money, or well at least for me." Tia tells her sister.

"Shhh! I'm trying to apologize to Melody for being a weakling, and I have to be sincere so she will dump Glitch for me." Tyler tells the two girls.

"Oh, you have no chance. Let me school you on Glitch. Glitch has had over 100 girlfriends even though he is only 17. I dated him last year when I was 16. So basically what I'm trying to tell you, is that, you have no chance of getting him back." Tia explains.

"Well, I just sent the message to her, and let's see what she sai— oh well, she replied quickly.

Texts between Melody and Tyler:

Tyler: Hey Melobaby, I need to apologize for being a weakling, and I wanted to know if we could get back together.

Melody: No, you're a baby, and now I'm deleting your number, and blocking you. Bye!

Hey guys, sorry it was so long. I don't have school tomorrow, so I have a lot of time, so I will be publishing chapters a lot. Go check cececkocore new story which is called A Glitch in my Heart, and go check out DCPOODLEXX new story which is called You are Loved. Well, bye now!

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