Levi Has Fallen ¤Levi's Pride¤

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Be advised for vulgar words, profanity, insults, rape, explicit sexual intercourse and brutal violence and gore. Occurs during the Second Season of Attack on Titan. Enjoy:)


Levi Has Fallen

Raped Levi x Kenny Ackerman

Levi's Pride

'I'll never submit to you.'
-Levi Ackerman


The sound of steel metal chains are suddenly heard within the quiet pitch black chamber that lays empty but a single human being. A manly groan echoes through these closed brick walls that don't allow a single light to cross through the filthy isolated chamber. The famous Humanity's Strongest lays on the ground chained on his ankles and wrists with double steel to prevent him from escaping. The immense weight pulling him flat on the cold ground. 'Where am I?' Levi questions himself while his vision lays pitch black. 'Am I blind?' Levi panics a bit in the inside because he doesn't feel a cloth wrapped on his eyes.'What happened? Last thing I remembered-' Levi's thoughts stop when the memory hits him like stone. 'I was caught by Kenny.' Disappointment washes through his running vains and being. 'How could I have gotten caught?' He starts to think of his new squad, about Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Sasha and Armin. 'Well, I guess Armin's intelligence can help the squad remain in control and find a plan to continue further without me...I trust them.' Levi sighs. Who would've thought Levi Ackerman were to be in a position like this? 'Fucking ankle.' He curses at his injury.

The sound of a metal door opening alerts Levi from his thoughts. The light coming from the open door signifies Levi's state of eyes. 'I guess I'm not blind.' Levi watches a dark silhouette enter then close the door to once again welcome the coldness of this isolated chamber.

"Well, well, well." The voice of a familiar man appears under a lighten bulb that suddendly lightens around Levi and the man in front of him.

"Kenny." Levi growls in hatred. The man right in front of him smirks at Levi's words. Kenny's eyes seem different than the last time he has confronted Levi Ackerman.

"It's been a long time." Kenny kneels down between Levi's legs that are chained to the ground. "Didn't expect to see you working for that suicidal military branch or seeing the way your body has changed over the years." Kenny licks his lips slowly while taking the view in front of him. 'What?' Levi thinks confusingly until glaring down at himself to see himself completely naked in front of Kenny Ackerman. Cold finger tips run on Levi's thigh that causes Levi to tch' in disgust, his body tries to move as far away from Kenny but it's no use.

"You sick sh**." Levi curses with venom. Soon after those words escape Levi's mouth, a loud echoing force hits Levi straight on his cheek that causes Levi to face to his right. Not a second later passes by after another slap takes place onto Levi's cheek that's turning pink with the handprint stained by Kenny. A chuckle leaves Levi's lips. "You hit like a newborn kid."

"I believe it's time to rid that fierce statue of yours." Levi hears Kenny say from above him. Levi doesn't understand why Kenny is acting this way all of a sudden. Levi doesn't understand how he even ended up here in the first place. Levi Ackerman being captured and ripped out of his clothes for a reason that Levi himself is unable to avoid the thought of sexual torment. Aggression and virility can be seen in Kenny's eyes that stare back at Levi's steel blue eyes. Levi's masculine porcelain skin that's marked by the 3DMG from years of use yet seductive to Kenny's eyes, struggle to be free from the chains. Levi can feel the rough hands of Kenny grab onto his back raven hair and pull down so his face is looking up at Kenny who closely hovers near his face. Levi can't do anything even if he tried, that he has realized after attempts in freeing himself from the metal chains. The metal chains weighs more than a ton extra for his own strength. 'Filthy.' Levi curses under his breath when Kenny runs his fingertips on his thigh and near his member.

Levi Has Fallen | Levi Ackerman ¤O.N.E S.H.O.T¤Where stories live. Discover now