Down the path of alone and forgotten

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I walked slowly down the narrow empty street, the barely visible stars glinting shyly overhead. My shoes made soft thuds on the pavement as my body moved, walking farther and farther from home. I kept my eyes on the ground ahead of me, not wanting to see what i already knew was there; Houses. Empty, dark houses that lined the street. My street i think to myself. I was in a trance like state, my body moving while my mind drifted away, slowly chipping away at my sanity. The road took a sharp turn, and i found myself standing in front of a narrow forest path. The path didn't need a sign with it's name, because anyone who made it this far already knew its name. The path of alone and forgotten. My eyes scanned the worn dirt path that stood ahead of me, and i turn back to the empty street. No one is there. No one wants me to come back. I breathed in the silence and stepped onto the path. There was no going back.

The woods were silent as i walked, as i breathed emptiness instead of air. The world around me suddenly took a violent turn as i stumbled down. I felt the air rushing past me as i fell, the world above me disappearing as i closed my eyes and let myself go. This is the end, i thought, The end of the path of the alone and forgotten. And I'm just another shell of a person who didn't make it to the end. I felt my back hit the rough rocky earth, as i lied letting the soggy mud sink through my clothing. Standing, i looked around. I took a few steps and then felt my shoe kick something. Looking down, i saw a small teddy bear he size of my hand. I picked it up and examined it. Looks like people aren't the only forgotten things that travel this path. I dropped the bear into a puddle and watched the water soak his dirty fur. He hadn't survived this path, and now to see if i could. I'd already come too far.

I stumbled through the narrow dirt tunnel, my hands feeling the walls that closed me in. Using my hands to guide my, i pushed my way through till i felt my body bump into something large and solid. I blinked a few times trying to get my bearings in the dark tunnel. My eyes slowly adjusted to the dark and i looked up to see a wall of dirt, twisted and gnarled roots sticking out here and there. I then felt something cold brushing against my ankles, jumping in shock i looked down to see water pooling out around my feet. I let out a silent shout for help, but my voice was gone. I looked around frantically, panic pulling me further into the murky water that had now reached my chest. I gasped for air as the water reached my neck, and slowly slid under the surface. The cold water surrounded me, numbing my senses and frazzling any thoughts i might have. Its over i thought slowly as i felt my hair swirl around my head and brushing against my face. I had already accepted my fate, i was going to drown here, alone in a tunnel deep in the woods,and no one was coming. Not for me. I'm not worth their time.

Through my closed eyelids saw a faint glowing reaching out through the dark water. I opened y eyes all the way as i saw a phone. my phone. I let my body sink down towards it, before stretching my arm out to the bright light. I felt my fingers wrap around the plastic case of my phone, and pulled it towards me, my movements sluggish from the thick water. Suddenly my phone let out a huge wave of light, and i felt air rush into my lungs. I pushed my sopping wet hair out of my eyes and saw i was back on a forest trail. I looked down at the phone in my hand, and read the words that spread across the screen as it died in my hands. Not yet. Don't give up. Swim.

My clammy hands dropped the broken phone and wrapped round my arms. I felt my stomach rumble and looked down. Only then did i realize i had no real concept of time, nor did i have food. I tuned back towards the trail and began to walk, wrapping my arms around my shivering form. My boots were waterlogged as well as the rest of my clothes, which slowed me down a lot, but i trudged along anyways. I lifted my head as i smelled the sweet aroma of cinnamon and frosting, and looked out towards the path. The end of the path. It was right there. I began to run towards it but what i saw astonished me. I froze in my tracks in complete shock. They were here. Everyone was here.

I saw my friends, my whole family, school, even the people i absolutely despised where here. Heck there were even complete strangers. Everyone sat or stood in a golden field of grass and flowers, gathered together celebrating. I looked back at the grim forest behind me and then back to the field of people laughing and enjoying the food and sun. I had taken one step into the light, when i felt a golden light surround me. I looked down at my soaked T-shirt and jeans, as they were replaced by a yellow knee length dress covered in flowers of all colors, my boots vanishing into nothingness. I took a few more steps out into the sun, savoring the feeling of the soft grass under my bare feet. The dress swooshes around my legs as i ran up the hill, joy filling every inch of my heart and body. My lungs inhaled a deep breath of fresh air, as i enjoyed the sweet sensation of the suns warmth against my back. I looked back at the forest one last time, before i bounded up the hill towards my friends and family a large grin on my face as i was swept into a hug filled with love. Never letting go i whispered, knowing my words would be lost in the wind.


I sat atop the hill thinking back on my journey, realizing things never would have thought before. The world flipping me around wasn't bad, it was the worlds way of sending me to the right path, even if that path tried to drown me with my own panic and despair. The bear wasn't alone or forgotten, it had already found its hope, Its journey wasn't over, it was completed. And the phone? That was my own hope, the thing that finally got me through to the light. A smile graced my lips as i looked down at the forest, another girl with tears streaming down her face running onto the path. I quickly spread my wings and dove down towards her, and floated just above her. I'll get you there, i'll be your hope i whispered into the wind. She looked around in fear and continued walking. i smiled and flew after her. I love my Job.

Your hope is there, just look at it upside down. it'll be there i promise. Hold On Pain Ends. HOPE. Believe.


The video at the top fits this pretty well, although i don't own it. Its Writer by Ellie Goulding.

You can make it ~ Winter

Down the path of alone and forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now