Wanting What You Can't Have

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Sierra’s POV

Hi, my name is Sierra Turner.  I’m in 10th grade. Today is going just like any other day, so I’ll talk about my favorite topic... Aaron. I’ve always been friends with Aaron and if I were to be honest I’ve liked him for almost 4 years. He has blonde hair and clear, light blue eyes. He has pale skin and is almost wearing a calm and cheerful expression. He usually sports unbuttoned plaid shirts, blue jeans and black Converse. He’s always kind and extremely smart. I think he’s one of my best friends and he knows me very well. He has this popular, pretty-boy friend named Nick. He thinks he’s such “hot stuff” with his messy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He wears different patterned V-necks, skinny jeans, and dark blue canvas Vans. He is pretty attractive and as I understood, quite smart, but I didn’t have any classes with him and therefore, never talked to him.

It’s kind of strange really, one day Aaron seemed totally fine, and the next, he’s in some sort of depression and won’t talk to me. I walked into Science and took my seat next to his and waited for him to come, but he came in right as the bell rang and didn’t make eye contact with me. I couldn’t talk to him once the teacher started talking and whenever we’re supposed to be working silently, he did just that and made a big production of making himself look busy. I can tell he isn’t in the mood to talk, but I’m worried about him and I want to know why.

At lunch, the strangest thing happened. I was sitting with Ana and Sonia, when Nick walked up to me. I had never talked to him before and here he was standing in front of me.

“Umm is it ok if I sit here?” He asked politely. I didn’t see why not. I mean he seemed perfectly nice and he was eye candy too, which was a slight plus. I mean I know I’ve like Aaron for a long time, but he’s been like my steady. I doubt he’s ever going to make a move so I do like other people on top of him, which I know is a bad habit that I just can’t seem to break.

“Sure. You can sit next to me.” I said as I patted the spot next to me. I started eating my sad looking ham sandwich in an awkward silence which I had to stop because that’s a no-no for me. “So, what brings you to the fun side of town?” I asked conversationally.

“Oh, you know, felt like having a change” he said easily.

“Don’t you usually sit with Aaron Wakelin?” I said as I tried to remember if I was right in thinking that Nick was the guy Aaron was always hanging out with/ talking about.

“Yeah. Not anymore though.” He replied as though he was tired of the subject.

“Oh. So it’s so weird how I don’t have any classes with you. I barely know you at all.”

“Just ask whatever you want to know. I’ll probably answer anything that’s not too prying.”

“Hmm. Ok so what kinds of music do you like? Books? Movies? TV shows?”

“Haha. Ok well I like pop and rap music. I like Harry Potter, I know it’s kinda nerdy, but they’re good. I love Inception and any feel-good animated movie. I don’t really watch TV that much, but whenever I do, my little sister is usually in charge of the remote, so I watch a lot of Nickelodeon and Disney Channel.” He explained patiently and honestly ending the entire explanation with a stunning smile that just melted my heart and turned my legs to jelly. Woah…

“So how old is your sister?”

“She’s 10. She can be really annoying at time, but when it comes down to it, I love her. Do you have any siblings?”

“No. I know a lot of people say ‘Lucky’ when I say that and after hearing some sibling stories I would sometimes agree, but when I’m sitting alone at home with no one to talk to or when I go to a friend’s house and see her have a bonding moment with their sibling I feel kinda sad. You know?”

“Yeah. People are just like that. Always wanting what they don’t, or can’t, have and disliking what they already have.”

We went off like this on a long list of questions that we digressed from a lot. We talked about so many things and when we were done eating we just walked and talked and I was never bored. I learned so much about him. He was so funny and kind and I felt like I had a lot in common with him. I glanced at a clock and realized that we only had a few more minutes before the bell rang.

“Hey, umm can I have your number?” I asked hopefully.

“Sure. Let me see your phone.” He held out his hand and I placed my ridiculously crappy phone in it. I was kind of embarrassed that he saw my horrible phone, but he didn’t seem to notice how bad it was. He typed some stuff in and then handed it back.

“Thanks. Maybe we can hang out some time.” I said, but before he could answer, the bell rang. “Ok, well I’ll text you.” I called as I walked off, or more like drifted through the large streams of people that had just appeared, in the direction of my next class. For some reason I felt oddly happy, but it passed quickly as I walked into English and saw Aaron there. It was the first time I wasn’t happy to see him. It wasn’t as if I was mad at him, but I was still really worried about him. This was so unlike him, plus yesterday in class, I think Danielle Price asked him out over note. It’s not like I was jealous or anything because I date other guys sometimes too, but… Oh, who am I kidding? I was jealous.

“Hey Aaron.” I called as he walked in. He shot me a feeble smile and nodded, but I could tell that he really didn’t want to talk to me. I wondered what was with him, but my mind kept wandering back to Nick. So strange that the day Nick started talking to me is the day Aaron went into a depression. Maybe the occurrences have a connection. Why wasn’t Nick eating with him anymore? Did they get in a fight? No, they’re like best friends. What does this have with Nick talking to me? I was confused. I had so many questions running through my mind that I didn’t even notice when Mr. Brown called on me.

“Ms. Turner” he was calling impatiently “What was a character trait of Max in this story?” he asked as I finally made eye contact.

“Oh, umm I felt that Max portrayed that he was very courageous and dependable.”

“Very good. So as I was saying, you can extract character traits in many different ways. Justin, what is one way?” He didn’t get mad at me for being slow because most of my teachers are ok with me not paying attention as much because I usually get pretty good grades anyway. I mean straight A’s, not straight A+’s like Aaron. I mean, that’s impressive.

Whatever it was going on with Aaron, it really isn’t my business. If he needs help he’ll ask. He probably just needs some time. I decided to just give him some space.

Anyway, I think I was really starting to like Nick. It wasn’t like he was just a pretty face. He was smart, funny, and really nice. There was this dance, the Spring Fling coming up, and I didn’t have a date yet. I thought maybe Nick would ask me to go. Aaron would never think of doing that. It’s just the type of person he is. That’s why I need to move on, but I can’t because every time I try I just remember how amazing he is. I can’t get over him, but I can’t get over Nick either.

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