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From: Unknown
Time: 12:21 pm

So, you hate your colour, you hate your hair, you hate yourself, you wish your self dead, you have insomnia. So fucking what! Get over all of that, get over the skin tone that's different from mine, your beautiful hair, your existence and just think, think for a few seconds if that's what you really want, to be dead? Do you know how many people wish to live longer, how many people are laying sickly on their death bed knowing they will leave this world too soon. You know, don't you? Life isn't a fucking guaranteed liability. If you have it, appreciate it and not wish for other things that are not.

Do you know how much BLACK people are loved and adored! So you have a BLACK parent and an Italian parent, Thank God. Baby, you were born this way and for a purpose so you'll just let colour get in your way, colour just because you aren't white like the rest! Do you know how many achievements BLACK people have made, do you! Do you know how some look back and go back deep down in history and thank the BLACK guy who did that or the BLACK woman who did?

I want to hate you so much right now because you are racist of your own exceptional colour but I can't. Because I...kind of understand.

Other times I wish to be the same colour as you you know that different colour tone, maybe if I had been that you would have noticed me sooner, a long time ago. But now I know, you'll have hated me as much or even more than you hate yourself.

Love yourself and value the life you have. Some want what you have and can't get it, ever. Appreciate it Baby and let me love you more.

Yours, Ross Dean. ❤❤❤

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#471 on short story! I love you guys 😘😘😘😘💕💕💕

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