Chapter 9_Griever's Attack

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Newt's POV

"What is it? What happened to him?" Claire asked Jeff

"He was calling you Claire. Together with Thomas. You need to go to him immediately." Jeff said impatiently

"Ok. I'll go then." Claire said

"Can I come?" I asked

"Well, you can but you should stay outside I guess." Jeff said

I grabbed Claire's hand. She looked at me with a smile on her face. I smiled her back. Then we went pass by Gally and the other gladers. And then I saw Thomas looking at Claire.

"Claire? We've been called by Alby." Thomas said nervously

"Yeah I know. We should go." Claire said

Then Claire let go my hand and looked at me saying that she will come back.

"Hey Thomas." I grabbed Thomas' arm

"Yes?" He said

"Take care of her." I told him with pity

"I will." He replied and he walk towards the med-jacks.

Claire's POV

I saw Newt talking to Thomas. I have no idea in what they were talking about but I saw Newt trying to look pity on Thomas. And I think he's aguring for something.

"Hey what did Newt said?" I aksed

Thomas sigh.

"He said that I will take care of you." Thomas said

I looked down as I enter the med-jacks' room. And there I saw Alby sitting on his bed.

Thomas went closer while I was on his back.

"Alby? Hey can you hear me?" Thomas asked Alby

"Its you....its you who did this. Its you with Claire who made us suffer in here. And now look outside and see the glade. Look,  this is our greatest dark day." Alby said pointing at the window where the view of the glade can be seen.

Me and Thomas run outside to see the glade and we saw the gladers running outside. They were running for their lives. I approached Winston who was staring at a new way for the maze.

"What's happening,Winston?" I asked him

"The grievers...they were here!" He said with a scare on his face

Then I saw Newt running holding a torch on his hand. I ran towards him and so is Thomas.

"Claire. Thank God you're bloody here. Where's Alby?" He asked

"We leaved him there in the med-jacks' room." I told him

Then I saw Jeff and Clint. So I told them that they should help Alby out of the room to keep him safe.

Then I was with Newt,Minho,Chuck,Winston,Frypan,and Thomas.

"What's the plan?" I asked the rest of them

"Chuck and Minho get some weapons that you may find and proceed to the meeting room. Winston and Frypan, help Clint and Jeff out there with Alby make sure that he's safe and proceed to the meeting room immediately. Newt and Claire both of you will be with me to guide the other gladers in the meeting room. We should all lead them there immediately. All clear?" Thomas said

Then we all agreed. And went departed ways.

Newt hand  me towards a crowd of gladers. And we lead them to the meeting room. And there also we saw Frypan and Winston protecting Jeff and Clint who is helping Alby to move towards the meeting room.

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