Spring Contest!!

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Hey everyone! Omg Today is the first day of spring break!!!! Aaaahhhhh!😇😱😆

So since its vacation time I was wondering on making an art contest. A lot of my friends and people have been doing it so I decided to do one my self. I hope I get some enteries. That be awesome! The contest will end on April 20th.

Okay so the theme is... Wait I didn't even tell you the prizes yet.

1st place:
a follow,10 votes in a story of their choice, and 2 drawing request

2nd place:
a follow,5 votes on a story of their choice and a drawing request.

3 votes on a story of their choice and a drawing request.

Okay the theme of the contest is... Spring!
Anything realated to spring smack it on a piece of paper. PM me or tell me which book I can find it in. Can't wait to see your drawings! Comment #yolo if you want to enter.

OfficerBunnie's DrawingsWhere stories live. Discover now