Chapter 10

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A/N: Italic font=thoughts


* A few days later*

I looked at my phone to see i got a text from Brent. 

B: Hey! I'm having a little get together/party at my house today! You should come!

A: Sounds fun! What time?

B: 3 pm and you don't have to wear anything fancy, just casual.

A: Cool! cul8r!

I clicked off my phone and went to find something to wear. Its 1:30 right now so I've got some time. Once i was satisfied with my outfit (pic above) I just played around on Twitter for a while. I was happy to see some positive tweets from the fans today.

When it was about 2:50 i decided to head to Brent's. Since he only lives like two blocks away i just walked. It was quite relaxing actually! I should do this more often.

When i arrived i recognized some of the cars...Magcon boys! I haven't seen them in a while and they're really fun to hang out with!

"Hey girl!" Brent said in his sassy girl voice as i walked in. I laughed and gave him a hug. What a goofball!

After everyone had greeted me someone else came through the door. It was the Collins!

"Hey babe!" i said giving Chris a hug

"Hey!" he said with that big smile that makes my heart melt!

I said hi to Crawf and the girls then we all sat in the living room.

Everyone was just talking and eating some snacks. But it was fun to have just a chill get together.

"Hey Areesa!" Jack G said as he came over to where i was sitting. He sat pretty close to me but whatever he's my friend.

"Hey Gilinsky!"

"So i was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach tomorrow with me and the guys?"

"Sure i'm down!"

"Cool! I'll text you the time." He said with his beautiful smile! (I love Chris's smile better though, obviously)

I looked across the room to see Chris clenching his jaw. (awwww jawline!!!) But i could tell he was mad about something. Chris doesn't really get angry that often but when he does, he has that look on his face and i can tell somethings wrong.

Before i could go over to him he walked out the house to the backyard. I followed after to see him sitting in the grass just staring at nothing. I slowly went and sat down next to him.

"Hey. wanna tell me whats wrong?"

"No, its fine." He said trying to fake a smile. But i know him better than that.

"Christian, i can tell somethings wrong. You can tell me."

He paused for a second...

"Was Jack flirting with you?"

"What? No! He was just asking if i wanted to go to the beach with him and the guys tomorrow."

He paused again

"Just felt jealous i guess, sorry."

"Its ok babe." i said as i gave him a kiss on the cheek then a hug. 

I think its kinda cute when he gets jealous. Even for dumb reasons.

As we were sitting in the grass together i heard a camera shutter behind us. I turned around to see Brent with his phone out.

"OMG GOALS!" He yelled in his girly voice and we all laughed.

We all stayed at Brent's for most of the night and had a great time. I'm so happy that i moved here and get to hang out with these peeps! I was kind of a loner back home and didn't have many friends (besides my fans). Like people would only want to hang out with me because i was internet famous. Which is why I'm so thankful for these guys! 


A/N: I know this chapter is kinda lame but I've been a little stumped on ideas.

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