Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

       One thing I really hated was weekends. Well,I loved the fact that I didn't have school those days and I could sleep in. However, wanting to sleep in and actually sleeping in were completely different.

       I could rarely sleep in on the weekends because of those three brats. They were always running in the hallway and laughing, the earliest being eight in the morning. Other times, it was because I had dance rehearsal at ten.

       I groaned when I heard them laugh and pulled myself out of bed, well knowing that they weren't going to stop, so I might as well get up now. Besides, I also had dance today. When I opened the door, I saw them quickly run into their bedroom as if they weren't doing anything.

       Rubbing my eyes, I lazily made my way downstairs and to the kitchen. Mom was there, reading something on her phone as she drank out of her favorite mug. "Morning, Mom," I muttered as I dragged my feet to the fridge.

       "Good morning, Ryder," Mom said back.

       I scoffed. "There's nothing good about it. Seriously, you couldn't have stopped after me."

       "If it makes you feel better, the triplets weren't exactly planned," Mom said.

       "Neither was I," I pointed out. I grabbed a carton of milk out of the fridge before going to the cupboard to get my favorite cereal. However, when I poured it into a bowl, I only got about five pieces. "Seriously? Who ate my cereal?" I sighed and grabbed another box of cereal, but the same thing happened to the first one. "That's it. I'm making bacon."

       "We're out of bacon," Mom said. 

       I gave her a flat look. "Is everyone trying to ruin my life?"

       "Yes, we're trying very hard to ruin your life," Mom said sarcastically. "Why don't you have an egg or something?"

       I sighed dramatically and opened the fridge to grab out an egg. "Why is my life so hard?"

       "Ryder, stop being dramatic," Mom said. "People have it harder."

       "I can be dramatic if I want," I said. "I don't have any bacon in my system and I might die."

       Mom rolled her eyes and continued drinking out of her mug.

       "Hey, can I have some coffee?" I asked.

       "This isn't coffee," Mom said.

       Weird. Mom usually had coffee in the morning. Although, it wasn't the weirdest thing that had been happening to her lately. There was the whole pickle thing and last night, we were having taco salad for dinner, but we couldn't put onions on it because, apparently, the smell was too strong for her.

       ....Wait a minute. No coffee, food cravings, and food aversions.


       While I was cooking my egg, I looked at my mom. "Mom, is baby number six on the way?" I asked.

       "Is it that obvious?" Mom asked.

       "It wouldn't have been if you didn't crave pickles," I said. "So....I'm getting another sibling? It is one, right? Not three?"

       "Don't worry, it's just one," Mom said. "And please don't tell your siblings yet. Your father and I are planning on telling them soon."

       Dad chose that moment to come in the kitchen. "Tell them what?" he asked.

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