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First Chapter of our New Book. We hope you enjoy! We've done something with a big twist! And it's a romantic comedy and it's a teen fiction! There's lots of drama and nothing to be aSHAMEd of. We hope you enjoy and we hope we find lots of other readers that can link with this story. 


"No one understands me. No one but you. You make me complete. Who knew?"

20 Weeks Earlier

I was sitting on my urban coloured queen sized bed. My room was dark and cold, little sun dropped in through the window in front of my bed, framed with golden swirls. My two bed side tops sat beside my bed with marbled tops. An old alarm clock sat there still. I pulled a rope, hanging down on the left side of my bed. The canopy dropped, making the room darker. The walls were a Base brown. There were many articulate art features placed around my room. Most of them were my fathers. I looked in front of me. Sitting on my bed. Was a black pair of scissors.. My brown hair covered my face from the doorway.

My blue eyes directed on the scissors. I thought of everything negative. Why am I here. I don't deserve to be... I picked them up. They lay safely in my hand. As if they were a perfect fit. I put it against my wrist that was secured by my other arm. My black watch, showed the time 7:00AM... Tears flowing down my cheeks, dampening my clean pores. My heart beating every 5 seconds. My olive skin, tan and smooth. My soft hair, hiding my ears, waved in the wind of the fan. I started to silently sob. I closed my eyes and.

"Rose!" My mother calls.

I wipe away my tears and hide the pair of scissors away....


She can't see me like this. No one can. I would look like an alien to them. Because they just don't see it. I look a mess. I always do.

"Darling, breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes." She said standing in the doorway. I wasn't hungry, I couldn't eat.

"Okay, I'll be there." I lied. I really can't pretend anymore. It isn't going to last much longer. What am I to do? Well, whatever the outcome is, no one would care. As long as I'm gone, everyone else is happy. They don't say it, but I know they are thinking it. She closed the door; I could hear her soft footsteps travel down the steps. I pull up my sleeve and observe my wrist. Shredded. I don't know what I would do if someone saw them. Again, I am an alien to them.


I lace my arch fingers through my hair. Tears, flooding my face. Like a flowing, overflowing river. My black long sleeve shirt covers up my wrists... I once again, fold it up. Only to see 16 cuts up my arm. I don't know what to do... What to think. Who to talk to. My life is a mess. I shook my head and covered my arm up again. I rubbed my face with both hands. I hopped off my bed and readjusted my dark red jeans. I walked over to my beauty desk that sat in front of my window. I looked out and saw the city. Melbourne was always busy. So busy it was. It made me sad, depressed and lonely, just by looking out the window. I saw happy couples holding hands, children playing in the streets. I lay my head on my hands and stared at the window.

I whine as I accidentally poke my sore wrists...In pain, I walked into my en-suite. The marbled floors stood out on the white room. The deep bath stood in the corner, opposite to the large shower. I walked up to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. More tears flooded my face. I lifted up my long-sleeved shirt and turned the tap on. I gasp at the pain. But I get through it. Knowing it will help. I gathered a temporary bandage. I could come up with some excuse. I placed it on my skinny wrist and went back on my desk. I grasped my silver comb and started threading it's pieces through my hair. I applied a dash of lip gloss on along with a dash of mascara. My android beeped. The text was from

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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